PC データ置き場 > Next > ゴルゴレ

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PC データ置き場/Next/ゴルゴレ」(2013/12/02 (月) 01:55:28) の最新版変更点



&big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ Race }}} Halfling, Lightfoot &big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ Ability Scores }}} |【|CENTER:STR|】 |RIGHT:10|(|CENTER:+|RIGHT: 0|)|=|RIGHT:10| | |【|CENTER:DEX|】 |RIGHT:16|(|CENTER:+|RIGHT: 3|)|=|RIGHT:15|+ 1 Racial| |【|CENTER:CON|】 |RIGHT:12|(|CENTER:+|RIGHT: 1|)|=|RIGHT:12| | |【|CENTER:INT|】 |RIGHT:14|(|CENTER:+|RIGHT: 2|)|=|RIGHT:14| | |【|CENTER:WIS|】 |RIGHT:14|(|CENTER:+|RIGHT: 2|)|=|RIGHT:14| | |【|CENTER:CHA|】 |RIGHT:10|(|CENTER:+|RIGHT: 0|)|=|RIGHT: 9|+ 1 Racial| &big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ Proficiencies }}} |Armor |Light and medium armor| |Weapons|Simple weapons, marshal ranged weapons, hand crossbow, light crossbow, long sword, rapier, and short sword| |Tools |Thieves' tools, mounts (land), disguise kit, poisoner's kit| &big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ Skills }}} |Acrobatics |:|+|RIGHT:4|=|+ 3|CENTER:DEX|+ 1 Procifiency|| |Athletics |:|+|RIGHT:1|=|+ 0|CENTER:STR|+ 1 Procifiency|| |Deception |:|+|RIGHT:1|=|+ 0|CENTER:CHA|+ 1 Procifiency|| |Insight |:|+|RIGHT:3|=|+ 2|CENTER:WIS|+ 1 Procifiency|| |Perseption |:|+|RIGHT:8|=|+ 2|CENTER:WIS|+ 1 Procifiency|+ 5 Expertise| |Search |:|+|RIGHT:8|=|+ 2|CENTER:INT|+ 1 Procifiency|+ 5 Expertise| |Stealth |:|+|RIGHT:9|=|+ 3|CENTER:DEX|+ 1 Procifiency|+ 5 Expertise| |Thieves' Tools|:|+|RIGHT:9|=|+ 3|CENTER:DEX|+ 1 Procifiency|+ 5 Expertise| &big(){&bold(){&underdot(#5555ff,2px){ Traits }}} |Size |:|Small| |Speed|:|25ft.| |Lucy |:|When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.| |Brave|:|You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.| |Halfling Nimbleness|:|You can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.| |Naturally Stealthy |:|You can attempt to hide even when you are obscured only by a creature that is one size larger than you.| |Expertise |:|Choose up to four of your skill or tool proficiencies.&br()You gain a +5 bonus to any ability check you make that involves those proficiencies.| |Sneak Attack |:|When you attack a creature and hit, you can deal extra damage to that target if you have advantage against it&br()or if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it and that enemy is able to take actions.&br()You can use this feature only once per turn.| |Cunning Action |:|You can take a second action on each of your turns.&br()This action can be used only to disengage, hide, or hustle.| |Thieves' Cant |:|| |Assassinate |:|After initiative is rolled for a combat, you have advantage on attacks against any creature that has not yet taken a turn in the combat.&br()In addition, if you attack and hit a creature that is surprised, you score a critical hit against that creature.&br()If you use Sneak Attack on such a critical hit, instead of rolling for your Sneak Attack damage, use the maximum result for each Sneak Attack die.|

