
エンチャント」(2015/05/23 (土) 19:42:47) の最新版変更点



**エンチャントレリック ---- |SIZE(20%):|SIZE(30%):名前|SIZE(50%):効果|| ||||| |||||
**エンチャントレリック ---- |画像|名前|効果| ||Basilisk's Tooth|攻撃時2%の確立で敵を石化| ||Butcher's Knife|ストレングスを20上昇 移動速度を5上昇 攻撃時血の衝撃派を放つ| ||Butterfly Knife|Gives + Swiftness and a chance to do critical strikes.| ||Death's Scythe|+55 Strength Chance to summon a shield of skulls| ||Fire & Ice|Chance to burn or freeze enemies| ||Frozen Orb|Chance to freeze enemies, but still can use special attacks| ||Odin's Sword|5% chance to create a small fire that damages touching enemies for 15 seconds| ||Ogre's Club|-10% Armor 10% Chance Knockback| ||Poison Spear|10% chance to poison targets| ||Rocket Battery|Chance to shoot a homing missile| ||Spectral Arrow|Ranged Classes Only Projectiles ignore collision with objects| ||Storm Dagger|+5 Swiftness Chance to smite enemies with lightning on hit| ||The Frostmourne|+40 Strength +40 Swiftness Chance to cast Ice Shockwave| ||The Sun|Chance to hit enemies with 'The Wrath of Ra'| ||The Twin Blades|+5% Critical Hit| ||Titan's Gladius|1% to kill enemies with one hit, or to deal huge damage to bosses| ||Witch Claw|"Hex" spell ( chance to change enemies into motionless apples)|

