
DB演習sql2」(2008/06/23 (月) 15:30:03) の最新版変更点



*A-1 SELECT student_name AS "受講者の名前",kind AS "登録番号",teacher_name AS "教官の名前" FROM student,resurve,teacher,car,dispatch WHERE resurve.class_date = '2008-06-11' AND resurve.class_time = '4' AND resurve.student_no = student.student_no AND resurve.teacher_no = teacher.teacher_no AND dispatch.car_no = car.car_no AND dispatch.resurve_no1 = resurve.resurve_no ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):受講者の名前|BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):登録番号|BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):教官の名前| |道下 正樹|3321|佐々木 孝| |山川 純一|2132|別所 直木| (2 rows) *A-2 SELECT kind AS "登録番号" FROM car WHERE kind LIKE '%32' AND mt_flag = '0' ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):登録番号| |2132| |1432| |2632| (3 rows) *A-3 SELECT student_name AS "受講者の名前",student.tel AS "受講者のTEL",cancel.regi_time AS "キャンセル待ち登録日時" FROM student,cancel WHERE cancel.student_no = student.student_no AND cancel.class_date = '2008-06-13' AND cancel.class_time = '2' ORDER BY cancel.regi_time ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):受講者の名前 | BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):受講者のTEL | BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):キャンセル待ち登録日時| |大石 宏美 | 090-0000-0004 | 2008-06-03 15:46:00| |道下 正樹 | 090-0000-0003 | 2008-06-06 13:50:00| (2 rows) *B-1 SELECT COUNT(car_no) AS "20080614の4時限のAT車の空数" FROM car WHERE mt_flag = '0' AND car_no NOT IN ( SELECT dispatch.car_no FROM dispatch WHERE dispatch.resurve_no1 IN ( SELECT resurve_no FROM resurve WHERE resurve.class_date = '2008-06-14' AND resurve.class_time = '4' AND cancel_day = '0000-01-01' ) ) ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):20080614の4時限のAT車の空数| | 4| (1 row) *B-2 SELECT class_date AS "日付",class_time AS "時刻",COUNT(class_date) AS "予約数" FROM resurve WHERE resurve.class_date BETWEEN '2008-06-10' AND '2008-06-15' AND cancel_day = '0000-01-01' GROUP BY class_date,class_time ORDER BY class_date,class_time ; | BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):日付 | BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):時刻 | BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):予約数| | 2008-06-11 | 4 | 2| | 2008-06-13 | 2 | 3| | 2008-06-14 | 4 | 3| | 2008-06-15 | 3 | 1| (4 rows) ----
*A-1 SELECT student_name AS "受講者の名前",kind AS "登録番号",teacher_name AS "教官の名前" FROM student,resurve,teacher,car,dispatch WHERE resurve.class_date = '2008-06-11' AND resurve.class_time = '4' AND resurve.student_no = student.student_no AND resurve.teacher_no = teacher.teacher_no AND dispatch.car_no = car.car_no AND dispatch.resurve_no1 = resurve.resurve_no ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):受講者の名前|BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):登録番号|BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):教官の名前| |道下 正樹|3321|佐々木 孝| |山川 純一|2132|別所 直木| (2 rows) *A-2 SELECT kind AS "登録番号" FROM car WHERE kind LIKE '%32' AND mt_flag = '0' ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):登録番号| |2132| |1432| |2632| (3 rows) *A-3 SELECT student_name AS "受講者の名前",student.tel AS "受講者のTEL",cancel.regi_time AS "キャンセル待ち登録日時" FROM student,cancel WHERE cancel.student_no = student.student_no AND cancel.class_date = '2008-06-13' AND cancel.class_time = '2' ORDER BY cancel.regi_time ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):受講者の名前 |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):受講者のTEL |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):キャンセル待ち登録日時| |大石 宏美 | 090-0000-0004 | 2008-06-03 15:46:00| |道下 正樹 | 090-0000-0003 | 2008-06-06 13:50:00| (2 rows) *B-1 SELECT COUNT(car_no) AS "20080614の4時限のAT車の空数" FROM car WHERE mt_flag = '0' AND car_no NOT IN ( SELECT dispatch.car_no FROM dispatch WHERE dispatch.resurve_no1 IN ( SELECT resurve_no FROM resurve WHERE resurve.class_date = '2008-06-14' AND resurve.class_time = '4' AND cancel_day = '0000-01-01' ) ) ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):20080614の4時限のAT車の空数| | 4| (1 row) *B-2 SELECT class_date AS "日付",class_time AS "時刻",COUNT(class_date) AS "予約数" FROM resurve WHERE resurve.class_date BETWEEN '2008-06-10' AND '2008-06-15' AND cancel_day = '0000-01-01' GROUP BY class_date,class_time ORDER BY class_date,class_time ; |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):日付 |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):時刻 |BGCOLOR(#D3D3D3):予約数| | 2008-06-11 | 4 | 2| | 2008-06-13 | 2 | 3| | 2008-06-14 | 4 | 3| | 2008-06-15 | 3 | 1| (4 rows) ----

