

30代の妻「夫のいない12時間」」(2008/10/01 (水) 20:35:53) の最新版変更点



#include(!) ---- #contents ---- *What do wives really get up to when hubbie's away? 夫のいない間、妻は本当は何をしてるの? **30代の妻「夫のいない12時間」 ((記事に付けられていた日本語タイトル)) 30代の妻「夫のいない12時間」 2000,01,09 >What do wives really get up to when hubbie's away? >Shukan Hoseki 1/9-13 By Cheryl Chow 夫のいない間、妻は本当は何をしてるの? 週刊宝石1/9~13号 シェリル・チャウ著 >Ever wonder what the wife's up to when the hubbie is gone from home for as long as 12 hours a day, as is typical in Japan? To find out, Shukan Hoseki took a survey of housewives in their 30s, "the protagonists of everyday dramas like adultery and child abuse." Most were married to salarymen. >There was some good news and some bad news. The good news is that despite salacious media reports, only a small minority actually admitted to extramarital affairs. On the other hand, most hinted darkly about bearing secrets they daren't divulge to their husbands. >The bad news is that most women are extremely dissatisfied with sex with their husbands, which they describe as ho-hum. If they're having sex, that is. Some 40 percent of respondents said they don't. One 37-year-old, married for 10 years says, "We've had no sex since our child was born. But I don't mind. I don't feel a thing for my husband." And a woman married for 8 years declares, "It's my policy not to bring sex home. I get my needs met outside. I have absolutely no interest in sex with my husband." >Most women, though, simply have no time for any type of fun. Like one 38-year-old mother of two: "I send my daughter to kindergarten in the morning, then clean the house and do the laundry, then it's time to go pock her up. Then my son comes home. I feed them snacks, then supper, then give them a bath and put them to bed, and then my husband comes home." >Indeed, lack of time was a common refrain, as domestic and maternal duties left little time these mothers could call their own. This may explain why most admitted to feeling hatred for their offspring at times, leading them to act violently, like kicking a crying child. One 37-year-old mother of five complains, "When my son was born, I didn't feel that I loved him; he was rubbing me of my time, and my husband is not interested in the kid. Without any support, I feel that I'm going to lose my mind." All a woman like her may need is a little push -- to turn into a child murderer. >All in all, the women lamented their roles as housewives. It's a thankless job. they agreed, A housewife married for 13 years grumbles, "My husband says that household chores don't count as work. He treats me like a servant." >And what do the women want? Something other than being a housewife. One woman, married for 10 years says "I can't bear the thought of just growing old like this. I'm sick of marriage." >Director of the Ikeshita Lady's clinic, Ikuko Ikeshita explains to Hoseki that these women in their 30s are trying to fill their empty hearts with something. They are the generation of dependencies, of addictions. "Housewives who become obsessed with their children's entrance exams or abuse their kids are overly dependent on their children. And there are also addictions to designer goods and pachinko." >One 38-year-old, married for 17 years, relates her secret plans to divorce her husband. Leaving her husband is her biggest desire in life right now. Her husband, who leaves her to do all the housework and care for the children, is totally unaware of her plans and will be in for a rude awakening when he when he finds out, she says, "At the end," she adds ruthlessly, "I'm going to say, 'Serves you right!'" >To these men who haven't a clue as to what their wives are scheming, it may be, as the Japanese expression goes, "Water in their sleeping ears." ---- *関連ページ #related()
#include(!) ---- #contents ---- *What do wives really get up to when hubbie's away? 夫のいない間、妻は本当は何をしてるの? **30代の妻「夫のいない12時間」 ((記事に付けられていた日本語タイトル)) 30代の妻「夫のいない12時間」 2000,01,09 >What do wives really get up to when hubbie's away? >Shukan Hoseki 1/9-13 By Cheryl Chow 夫のいない間、妻は本当は何をしてるの? 週刊宝石1/9~13号 シェリル・チャウ著 ---- *関連ページ #related()




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