
These are the reproduction of articles originally published on Mainichi Daily News' "WaiWai" section. Almost all of the articles were nothing but trumped-up stories.
Please DO NOT believe them!
Were these stories real? No Japanese readers would believe them.
Some immoral writers made up the story, taking from dubious "news" from tabloids and gossip magazines.
However, some readers unfortunately believed the articles.
There's no wonder--these stories were published by the Mainichi Newspapers, one of the Japanese major "quality" papers.
The writers and Mainichi seem to understand very well that fiction is stronger than reality
--at least for readers with little experience with Japan.
Don't believe Mainichi, never!
PLEASE WATCH MOVIE BELOW, it helps you to understand background of these problem.

番号 掲載年月日 表題(英語) 引用雑誌名 引用雑誌号数 表題(日本語) 署名(イニシャル)
1 19920116 We want to be scolded, so we long for Nobunaga Dime 1/1 しかられたいから「信長」に憧れる! AJB(Anthony J. Bryant)
9月まで1コマ漫画(by Takahashi Haruo)あるいは4コマ漫画(「Mappira-Kun」 by Kato Yoshiro)掲載
2 19920116 Herds of people crossing borders: The day Tokyo becomes New York Shukan Asahi 1/3-10 東京がニューヨークになる日 AJB(Anthony J. Bryant)
3 19920116 Postwar Japan and the rise and fall of Florence: Medici precepts burst the economic bubble 500 years ago Aera 12/31-1/7 フィレンツェの興亡と戦後日本 メディチ家の教訓500年前のバブル大崩壊 AJB(Anthony J. Bryant)
6 19920113 Keep for reference: All that "saru" Weekly Playboy 1/14-21 保存版・ALL TAHAT “サル” KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
7 19920113 Commercials awash with kiss-kiss-kiss. Aera 1/14 CMにあふれるキス・キス・キス KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
8 19920113 Showbiz. The Queen of Commercials, Koizumi Kyoko, to be ousted by the three M's: Miyazawa, Makise and Mizuki? Shukan Yomiuri 1/19 - KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
9 19920113 White Paper on abortion: One in four has had one. Josei Seven 1/16-23 中絶白書4人にひとりが経験 AF(Adam Fulford)
12 19920120 The 25 minutes as hospital waited in readiness for the president Aera 1/21 ブッシュ大統領の緊急入院に備えた25分 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
13 19920120 The biographies of show biz's " Bubble Gentlemen." Flash 1/28 芸能界「バブル紳士」 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
14 19920120 Men choose men they love and hate Spa! 1/22 男が選ぶ好きな男・嫌いな男 PN(Peter Nowak)
15 19920120 The science of chanko nabe in building the strongest bodies Aera 1/21 最強の肉体をつくるちゃんこ鍋の科学 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
18 19920127 Can't Japanese say NO to their bosses? Shukan Asahi 1/31 日本人は上司に命令されると断れないのか KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
19 19920127 The most popular pet, but…Siberian huskies are really dumb and ungrateful Shukan Gendai 2/1 いまペットにしたい犬№1シベリアン・ハスキーはアホバカ AJB(Anthony J. Bryant)
20 19920127 Third-rate correspondence courses Spa! 1/22 C級通信講座 PN(Peter Nowak)
21 19920127 Abe is a sacrificial lamb! Shukan Post 1/31 スクープ「阿部」は生贄の羊だ! KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
23 19920127 KNOW YOUR JAPANESE (KYANPU-IN IS…) - - - TDE(Tim D. Ernst), AF(Adam Fulford)
24 19920203 Japan's "saabisu zangyo": A survey of the facts Spa! 1/29 日本「サービス産業」実態調査 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
25 19920203 Salaryman's Salary - the situation in Japan Shukan Asahi 1/31 サラリーマン年俸制ニッポン事情 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
26 19920203 The wretched reality of popular professions Spa! 2/5 入ってビックリ!人気職業のヒサンな仕事 AJB(Anthony J. Bryant)
27 19920203 Companies that pay well are paragons of corporate life and society Shukan Gendai 2/8 - KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
28 19920203 Can't fight if the boss is a Nobunaga type Shukan Asahi 2/7 - AJB(Anthony J. Bryant)
31 19920210 - Shukan Asahi, Josei Jishin 2/14, - 禁断の実を求め撃ちまくるギャル 若貴グルーピー 本気度100%  KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
32 19920210 - Spa! 2/5 花嫁候補№1女優決定 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
33 19920210 - Shukan Gendai 2/15 さあ、不倫&SEX編だぁ 大好評の“完全数値化“テスト「あなたの隣のOL採点シート」不倫&SEX編 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
34 19920210 - Spa! 2/5 最新AVギャルベスト50完璧データファイル KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
35 19920210 - Spa! 2/12 ボクたちのセックス・シンボルグラフィティ KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
36 19920210 - Spa! 2/5 SHOOTING OPINION 史上最強のゴシップ・クイーンは誰だ!? KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
37 19920210 - Friday, Flash 2/7, 2/4 「ヤクザの人権も守って」とデモ極道の妻たちが「暴力団新法」に“ハンタ~イ” KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
38 19920210 - Aera 2/11 男よ、自分のパンツを洗え 女性学者田嶋陽子 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka), AJB(Anthony J. Bryant), AF(Adam Fulford)
40 19920217 Black "express deliveries" speeding through the back roads of politics Shukan Asahi 2/21 佐川急便疑惑 黒い“飛脚便”が駆け抜けた政界裏街道 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
42 19920217 “Sick and tired of it" wide: hey, what is this? I can't take it any more!! Shukan Gendai 2/22 「むかっ腹」ワイド おいおい世の中こんなことアリかよ!! KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
41 19920217 Secondhand piano graveyard's full Aera 2/18 - KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
45 19920224 Mental karoshi: the tragedy of not being able to choose your boss Shukan Asahi 2/28 メンタル過労死 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
47 19920224 “Target of 20,000" American cars - Keiretsu pressure-selling Aera 2/25 アメ車「目標2万台」ケイレツで押し売り KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
48 19920224 - Friday, Spa!, Bisho 1/10-17, 2/19, 3/7 エイズ、気になるすべてを追跡 AF(Adam Fulford)
46 19920224 Out of rabbit hutches, into American-style housing Aera 2/25 米国式住宅で脱ウサギ小屋 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
51 19920302 Age of suffering for bankmen Aera 3/3 銀行マン受難の時代 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
52 19920302 Young men, get prickly! Weekly Playboy 3/10 青年よ、カドを立てよ! KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
53 19920302 Getting money back from a movie is tougher than getting it together in the first place. Spa! 3/4 映画を作る金を集めるより、その金を回収するほうがもっとタイヘンなのだ PN(Peter Nowak)
54 19920302 Combined Nordic gold medal has immeasurable value Aera 3/3 複合団体の金メダルは千金の重み KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
57 19920309 Totsu collapse means trouble for TBS Aera 3/10 東通倒産でTBSの大変 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
58 19920309 We present this to you who have zero interest in politics: Why the old geezers' LDP is genki Spa! 3/4 NEO POLITICS 政治に興味ゼロの君に贈るオヤジたちの自民党が元気な理由 PN(Peter Nowak)
59 19920309 Destination for serious, sheep-like bank clerks: Karoshi Aera 3/3 羊型まじめ行員の終点は過労死 TI(Takeshi Ito)
60 19920316 Survival strategies in the age of declining birthrates Shukan Asahi 3/13 「少産時代」の生き残り作戦 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
61 19920316 NTV's a private broadcaster, that's why it abandoned its tobacco attack Shukan Shincho 3/12 「たばこ告発」を断念した日本テレビのだから「民放」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
62 19920316 Third-rate names for "mansions" Spa! 3/18 カン違い、デタラメ、誤訳がいっぱい!マンションのC級ネーミング KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
63 19920316 For market research it's Kumamoto and Obihiro Aera 3/17 SPECIAL「売れ筋リサーチ」は熊本と帯広で TI(Takeshi Ito)
64 19920323 1.5 billion yen spent like water Shukan Asahi 3/27 湯水のようにつかった15億円 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
65 19920323 Farewell 'Corporate Pets': A stream of in-house confessions Aera 3/24 サラリーマンの本音 「社畜」よさらば内部告発本が続々 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
66 19920323 Not suitable for business: The Osaka company that banned Osaka-ben Shukan Bunshun 3/26 ビジネス用語には不適 大阪弁を禁じた大阪の会社 TI(Takeshi Ito)
67 19920323 Applications for the Morishige Award reveal another side of the pope Shukan Asahi 3/20 森繁ドラマ賞応募で分かったローマ法王のもう一つの顔 TI(Takeshi Ito)
68 19920330 Twilight of the 24-hour city Aera 3/31 24時間都市のたそがれ KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
69 19920330 The Ultraman Squad: An ideal set-up to get people in their 30s working Shukan Post 4/3 - KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
70 19920330 “Rent -a-family" service provided by unique employment agency Dime 4/2 RADICAL MESSAGE “レンタル家族”を送り込むユニーク人材派遣業 TI(Takeshi Ito)
71 19920330 Rest in peace! Aah, extinction Spa! 4/1 安らかに眠れ!ああ、絶滅 TI(Takeshi Ito)
72 19920406 Get as much care as the care you gave Aera 4/7 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
73 19920406 Rental video shop alert! Spa! 4/8 レンタルビデオ・ショップに異変アリ! AF(Adam Fulford)
74 19920406 Ten ways to create good business right now Shukan Gendai 4/11 今すぐ好景気にする10の方法 TI(Takeshi Ito)
75 19920406 ‘Miracle water' pi water has no scientific basis Shukan Bunshun 4/2 今、女性に大人気 告発!"蛇口産業”の内幕” "奇跡の水”πウオーターは科学的根拠ゼロ TI(Takeshi Ito)
76 19920420 Presidents and chairmen of big business compete for success until death Aera 4/14 大企業の社長・会長は死ぬまで出世競争 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
77 19920420 The guarantee Spa! 4/22 ザ・ギャラ TI(Takeshi Ito)
78 19920420 The heads of 50,000 securities men begin to roll Shukan Post 4/17 「証券マン5万人の首切りが始まった」 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
79 19920420 How to grow rice in a bucket Aera 4/21 バケツでイネを育てる方法 TI(Takeshi Ito)
80 19920427 Talks between Ikeda Daisaku and Gorbachev: The big fix Shukan Post 5/1 4.21 池田大作・ゴルバチョフ会談の大仕掛け GB(Gordon Bennett)
81 19920427 Are salesmen corporate slaves? Spa! 4/22 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
82 19920427 45,000 door-to-door underwear saleswomen descend on Sydney Shukan Shincho 4/23 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
83 19920427 Japanese isn't just " Tokyo dialect". The Tochigi accent - Ee, it's grand! Shukan Yomiuri 5/3 - KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
84 19920427 Why the Hanako tribe, the heaven-sent bubble children, are crossword crazy. Shukan Gendai 5/2 専門誌12誌・130万部市場に! クロスワードパズルに熱中するワケ TI(Takeshi Ito)
85 19920504 Changing views of marriage Shukan Bunshun 4/30-5/7 変わる結婚観 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
86 19920504 Indispensable for "beautiful buttocks" Shukan Gendai 5/9-16 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
87 19920504 Exploding card hell Shukan Yomiuri 5/10-17 激増するカード地獄 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
88 19920504 Enigma of age limits Spa! 4/29-5/6 一番得な年齢は何歳なんだ?年齢制限のナゾ TI(Takeshi Ito)
89 19920511 Carnations toppled from their throne Aera 5/5-12 王座から転落したカーネーション KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
90 19920511 Proof that sumo wrestlers are the strongest on earth Spa! 4/29-5/6 JUST ENTERTAINMENT ひと目でわかる超人データ スモウレスラー地上最強の証明 TI(Takeshi Ito)
91 19920511 ‘No more yaocho for me' Shukan Post 5/8-15 「もう八百長はしたくない」 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
92 19920511 Was Ozaki Yutaka a hero? An unharmonious note to disturb the rock requiem Shukan Shincho 5/14 「尾崎豊」はヒーローか 鎮魂ロックを乱す「不協和音」 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
93 19920511 Department stores start sorting customers with card charges Aera 5/5-12 有料カードで客を選別し始めたデパート KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
94 19920518 Hosokawa's new party: A detonator for political reorganization Aera 5/19 政界再編の起爆剤になるか細川新党 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
95 19920518 The odd lives of the unknown "big taxpayers" Focus 5/15 newsmaker 無名の「高額納税者」の意外な実生活 TI(Takeshi Ito)
96 19920518 If it's spring…this year too: "Atari-ya" information Aera 5/19 - KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
97 19920518 Farewell o-taku Spa! 5/20 オタクよ、さらば! TI(Takeshi Ito)
98 19920525 The secret of longevity Shukan Yomiuri 5/31 長寿の秘訣 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
99 19920525 Television commercials: Dumb and artless questions Spa! 5/27 テレビCM素朴な愚問 TI(Takeshi Ito)
100 19920525 Scoop! Thais' secret immigration route discovered Shukan Asahi 5/29 スクープ!タイ人密入国ルートをキャッチ KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
101 19920525 Unforeseen effect of Kikusuimaru's Philippine "Live Diplomacy" Shukan Gendai 5/30 菊水丸フィリピン“ライブ外交”の意外効果 TI(Takeshi Ito)
102 19920601 The ultimate weapon of criticism: "Killing with praise" Spa! 6/3 批評の最終兵器「ホメ殺し」 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
103 19920601 Gaijin competitors make it clear how much discrimination there is Shukan Gendai 6/6 ガイジン選手たちが明かす「差別はこんなにある」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
104 19920601 Shock for wife Nobuko!! Director Itami Juzo seriously injured in attack by group of three Flash 6/9 信子夫人ショック!!伊丹十三監督、3人組に襲われて重傷 KT(Kiyoko Tanaka)
105 19920601 AIDS victims' "street demo" flusters passers-by Shukan Shincho 5/28 エイズ患者「街頭デモ」で通行人の戸惑い効果 TI(Takeshi Ito)
106 19920608 Japanese women - the world's most miserable Spa! 6/10 SHOOTING OPINION「幻想のハシゴ」を昇りつめた彼女たちの今 世界一不幸な日本女性 TI(Takeshi Ito)
107 19920608 The trick to trapping a "Second Virgin" is to hide your wolfish heart and stalk her with your mind Shukan Gendai 6/13 “セカンド・バージン”攻略法は「狼心を隠して知的に迫る」一手だ MS(Mark Schreiber)
108 19920608 Two-night, three-day crash course for bicycle dunces Aera 6/9 自転車カナヅチ2泊3日特訓教室 TI(Takeshi Ito)
109 19920622 120 years of beer gardens and beer halls Views 6/24 ビアガーデン 120年史 ビアホール MS(Mark Schreiber)
110 19920622 Japan's expressways - loan shark hell Aera 6/16 SPECIAL 日本の高速道路はサラ金地獄 MS(Mark Schreiber)
111 19920622 Hey! They're the ones who did it! Shukan Josei - - TI(Takeshi Ito)
112 19920622 Exploring mysterious coffee shops Spa! 6/24 TOWN WATCHING 現代の裏側がのぞける街の怪しい喫茶店探検 TI(Takeshi Ito)
113 19920629 For your overseas trip this year, experience apartment life Nikkei Trendy for Ladies Summer 今年の海外旅行はアパートで生活体験 MS(Mark Schreiber)
114 19920629 What happens on Saturday will decide children's future Shukan Yomiuri 7/5 子供の将来が土曜日で決まる MS(Mark Schreiber)
115 19920629 Getting to the bottom of Ueno's popularity among the young Dime 7/2 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
116 19920629 How much does that work pay an hour Shukan Gendai 7/4 あのショーバイは1時間働いてなんぼ貰ってるか TI(Takeshi Ito)
118 19920713 Sick building syndrome Shukan Gendai 7/18 シックビル症候群 TI(Takeshi Ito)
119 19920713 All these programs look just like American ones Shukan Asahi 7/17 あの番組もこの番組も アメリカにそっくり TI(Takeshi Ito)
120 19920713 The era of high-class nightclubs is over Shukan Diamond 7/4 もうこれからは 高級クラブの時代ではありません MS(Mark Schreiber)
121 19920713 Roads, stations, shops, people all TOO NOISY Denim August - MS(Mark Schreiber)
122 19920720 The ' 3.5-line' writ of divorce Da Capo 7/15 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
123 19920720 The deep psychology of ' Returnee rejection' Shukan Asahi 7/24 「帰国子女排撃論」の深層心理 TI(Takeshi Ito)
124 19920720 Where's the person responsible? Spa! 7/22 責任者を探せ! TI(Takeshi Ito)
125 19920720 Open at night, with underground rides: Are amusement parks starting to show a new side? Spa! 7/15 夜間も営業、地下にも乗り物。遊園地は別の顔を見せ始めた!? MS(Mark Schreiber)
126 19920727 The age of instant gods Spa! 7/29 インスタントな神々の時代 MS(Mark Schreiber)
127 19920727 This is modern-day opium war! Shukan Gendai 8/1 これは「現代の阿片戦争」だ! MS(Mark Schreiber)
128 19920727 The Sakurada Syndrome of former Olympic competitors Shukan Post 7/31 元五輪選手たちの桜田淳子シンドローム TI(Takeshi Ito)
129 19920727 Japanese who want to be black Shukan Asahi 7/31 黒人になりたいニッポン人たち TI(Takeshi Ito)
130 19920803 Men shouldn't read those wild sex features in women's magazines Shukan Yomiuri 8/9 オトコ読むべからず 女性誌の過激SEX特集 MS(Mark Schreiber)
131 19920803 “110 CELEBRITIES" FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE SAY "no China visit" by the Emperor in a big newspaper advertisement Shukan Shincho 7/30 特集 天皇「訪中反対」を新聞大広告した各界「110名士」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
132 19920803 The whereabouts of 30 AIDS women who disappeared from Tsuchiura Shukan Bunshun 7/30 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
133 19920803 Why do Japanese passports carry the chrysanthemum seal instead of the sun flag? Denim September - MS(Mark Schreiber)
134 19920810
135 19920803 Southeast Asia at 35 degrees north latitude: A walking guide to "Shinjuku" Popeye 8/12-19 北緯35°の東南アジア[新宿]の歩き方。 MS(Mark Schreiber)
136 19920803 Recession: Eye-witness report Front line firings Aera 8/11 不況ルポ・首切り最前線 TI(Takeshi Ito)
137 19920803 The making and selling of sports newspapers Aera 8/11 スポーツ新聞の作り方・買わせ方 TI(Takeshi Ito)
138 19920824 The ceaseless battle between women's underwear and the force of gravity Shukan Asahi 8/28 女性下着と地球重力のあくなき戦い TI(Takeshi Ito)
139 19920824 What those in the know know! The pros' pros! Experts on the job Spa! 8/26 SPECIAL REPORT 知る人ぞ知る!プロ中のプロ!仕事現場の達人たち AF(Adam Fulford)
140 19920824 The Japanese fiance S. Y. : Trail of suspicion Shukan Bunshun 8/27 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
141 19920824 Firework displays - A Japanese summer scene that's still thriving; but the shortage of firework makers gets more serious every year Nikkei Trendy September - MS(Mark Schreiber)
142 19920824 The magazine Bart(8/24) includes a "local specialty" map of Japan that enables Mark Schreiber to track pianos, workers' splittoed sock-boots and school uniforms to their source… Bart 8/24 日本全国マル秘特産マップ MS(Mark Schreiber)
143 19920831 The elderly fall in the traffic war Aera 9/1 交通戦争に倒れるお年寄り MS(Mark Schreiber)
144 19920831 Basic questions Cadet September 素朴な疑問 TI(Takeshi Ito)
145 19920831 Thirteen hot springs in Tokyo Bulldog October 都内の温泉13ヶ所 MS(Mark Schreiber)
146 19920831 Plan to remodel the subconscious Marco Polo September 潜在意識改造計画 TI(Takeshi Ito)
147 19920831 Mark Schreiber reviews the facts and arguments of one of the hottest topics of summer: the Matsui incident. Shukan Yomiuri, Shukan Post - - MS(Mark Schreiber)
148 19920907 Eating the Tokyo night Views 9/9 「東京の夜を食べる」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
149 19920907 The enigma of why only the rich and famous can get box seats: a route Denim October - MS(Mark Schreiber)
150 19920907 The enigma of "buddy group activities" among businessmen in their 20s Spa! 9/9 20代ビジネスマン「仲良し集団行動」の謎 TI(Takeshi Ito)
151 19920907 Osaka-ben will save the world Shukan Asahi 9/11 大阪弁は地球を救う TI(Takeshi Ito)
152 19920914 Patriotic Tokyo correspondent for Tass Shukan Asahi 9/18 愛国のタス東京特派員 TI(Takeshi Ito)
153 19920914 Pathology of modern Japan's mental illness Aera 9/15 近代日本の精神病理 MH(Michael Hoffman)
154 19920914 The fault of ingrained work habits Spa! 9/16 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
155 19920914 TDK managers aged 50 plus: 'No need to come to work' Shukan Bunshun 9/10 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
156 19920921 Survival catalog for returning to the natural life Sapio 9/24 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
157 19920921 Saunas: Bathers now wear shorts Shukan Asahi 9/25 サウナはいまパンツで浴場 TI(Takeshi Ito)
158 19920921 Superheated pet boom Da Capo 9/16 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
159 19920921 Are quiz kings great or brainless? Spa! 9/23 クイズ王はエライかアホか? TI(Takeshi Ito)
160 19920928 Do we need morning and evening newspapers? Views 10/14 ぼくたちに朝刊・夕刊は必要なのか TI(Takeshi Ito)
161 19920928 Kabukicho police vs. international crime Shukan Asahi 10/2 カブキチョー警察VS国際犯罪 MS(Mark Schreiber)
162 19920928 Why corporations seem to want to employ the 'Fuyuhiko type' Shukan Post 10/2 - MS(Mark Schreiber)
163 19920928 Dream occupation series: Chindonya Weekly Playboy 10/6 憧れの職業シリーズ ちんどん屋 TI(Takeshi Ito)
164 19921004 Big firms issue condoms to staff abroad! Shukan Post 10/9 海外赴任者にコンドームを配る大企業が出現! MS(Mark Schreiber)
“FACE of the WEEKLIES”開始
165 19921004 Searching out business that's successful because of the recession Spa! 10/7 不況だから儲けている商売を探せ! AF(Adam Fulford)
166 19921004 It's finally started: Golf superpower Nippon comes to terms with the bubble Shukan Diamond 10/3 いよいよ始まるゴルフ大国ニッポンのバブル処理 MS(Mark Schreiber)
167 19921004 Understand your fortune from your nakedness an an 10/2 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
168 19921004 A world first! A medical doctor diagnoses the global economy Weekly Playboy 10/13 世界初の試み!医者が見た世界経済 TI(Takeshi Ito)
169 19921004 - Shukan Gendai 9/12 スポーツ新聞7紙 GB(Gordon Bennett)
170 19921018 This will do for now to make your English sound fluent Popeye 10/21 とりあえず、これだけで英会話がペラペラに見える。 TI(Takeshi Ito)
171 19921018 The Beaujolais Nouveau boom of the bubble heyday: As the Japanese fever dies, French farmers weep Shukan Diamond 10/17 ワイン バブルの宴を演出したボジョレー・ヌーボー騒ぎ 日本の熱が冷めてフランス農民が泣く MS(Mark Schreiber)
172 19921018 “Niko Niko Pun": The final day. Farewell Jajamaru, Piccolo, Porori… Marco Polo October 「にこにこ、ぷん」最後の日 さらば、じゃじゃまる、ぴっころ、ぽrpり・・・・・・ AF(Adam Fulford)
173 19921018 On the trial: Hokkaido-Kyushu. From thoroughbred to horsemeat Shukan Asahi 10/23 追跡 北海道-九州 サラブレッドが食肉になるまで TI(Takeshi Ito)
174 19921018 Why do stores put covers on books that already have dust jackets to begin with? Denim November - MS(Mark Schreiber)
175 19921018 All the gossip that fits on the page Uwasano Shinso - - TI(Takeshi Ito)
176 19921025 Is it true that "you get cancer from personal computers" ? Shukan Post 10/30 「パソコンで癌になる」は本当なのか MS(Mark Schreiber)
177 19921025 Fashion you eat: Japanese-style vegetarianism Aera 10/27 食べるファッション 日本流菜食主義 MS(Mark Schreiber)
178 19921025 Thirty types of reheatable curry: "Spicy tasting and rating" Dime 11/5 レトルトカレー30種「辛口食べ比べ」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
179 19921025 Coining " 5 billion yen" out of a change for the worse Shukan Gendai 10/31 「自転車法」改悪でひねり出される「50億円」の取り分 AF(Adam Fulford)
180 19921025 Halloween may never be the same again (Roy Garner reports on a shock in store for unsuspecting Britons.) - - - Roy Garner
181 19921101 Why have modern Japanese started to turn into sexual perverts? Da Capo 11/4 現代日本人はどうして性的倒錯をはじめたのか MS(Mark Schreiber)
182 19921101 Looks like record revenues again this year Shukan Diamond 10/31 今年も過去最高の売上を更新しそうです MS(Mark Schreiber)
183 19921101 Foreign teachers expose the sorry state of a big English conversation school Friday 10/30 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
184 19921101 Escape repeated sexual harassment!! Cosmopolitan 11/20 やられっぱなしのセクハラから脱出する!! TI(Takeshi Ito)
185 19921101 Tragedy of the "freeze" (don't move) that's not in the textbooks Aera 11/3 教科書にない「フリーズ」(動くな)の悲劇 TI(Takeshi Ito)
186 19921101 The facts about buraku (William Wetherall takes us through some recent media coverage) Josei Jishin, Shukan Josei 10/20, 10/27, 11/3, 11/24・91/9/3, 92/5/5 - WW(William Wetherall)
187 19921108 Contact with Peruvian guerrillas earning terrorist funds in Japan Shukan Asahi 11/6 日本でテロ資金を稼ぐペルー・ゲリラと接触 TI(Takeshi Ito)
188 19921108 Bubble situation of modern "koden" Aera 11/10 現代「香典」バブル事情 AF(Adam Fulford)
189 19921108 What's the idea with TV producers who make "special programs" on misfortune? Denim December - MS(Mark Schreiber)
190 19921108 “Banned Madonna" "Approved Shimada Yoko" Just how is their pubic hair different? Shukan Post 11/3 禁 マドンナ 許 島田陽子 このヘアいったいどこが違うんだ!? TI(Takeshi Ito)
191 19921108 Being able to relax and buy nice things cheaply boosts the number of customers Shukan Diamond 11/7 いい物が安く安心して買えると利用客も増える MS(Mark Schreiber)
192 19921108 Best not to mention (William Wetherall, an independent researcher, describes how in Michael Crichton's Rising Sun, a mention of the "unmentionable" became unmentionable.) - - - WW(William Wetherall)
193 19921122 Solving the riddle of the surge of "yellow Americans" Weekly Playboy 12/1 激増する“イエロー・アメリカン”の謎を追う!! TI(Takeshi Ito)
194 19921122 Board games are fun Shukan Post 11/27 いまボードゲームが楽しい MS(Mark Schreiber)
195 19921122 Feeling good about heading for work on Monday mornings Diamond 11/21 月曜の朝気分よく出社するために MS(Mark Schreiber)
196 19921122 “Word processors will spoil your Japanese" Views 11/25 「ワープロが若者(キミ)の日本語をダメにする」 AF(Adam Fulford)
197 19921122 French, German contributions: The manga world goes international Shukan Asahi 11/27 独、仏からも参入 多国籍化するマンガ世界 TI(Takeshi Ito)
198 19921122 Questions of identity (William Wetherall provides some reference points for conversations about Ainu, Shinto and Koreans.) - - - WW(William Wetherall)
199 19921129 A caste system on campus Sunday Mainichi 11/29 キャンパスはいまカースト社会 AF(Adam Fulford)
200 19921129 The best 30 consumer hits for 1992 Nikkei Trendy December 92年ヒット商品ベスト30 MS(Mark Schreiber)
201 19921129 Ranking the drop in parking charges Dime 12/3 駐車場代値下がりランキング MS(Mark Schreiber)
202 19921129 Line-up of problem customers Spa! 12/2 困ったお客サマ勢揃い TI(Takeshi Ito)
203 19921129 100 women of marriageable age on "young baldness" Views 12/9 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
204 19921129 Disease of mankind (That's what's it says on the front cover of the December edition of Marco Polo, much of which is devoted to the theme of prostitution. Mark Schreiber takes a look inside.) Marco Polo December 人類の病としての売春。 MS(Mark Schreiber)
205 19921206 Is the shinkansen dangerous? Bart 12/14 新幹線が危ない!? MS(Mark Schreiber)
206 19921206 Crimes of foreigners Sapio 12/10 「外国人の犯罪」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
207 19921206 Popular now! Study of 'dress-up' secondhand cars Flash 12/15 いま人気!ドレスアップ中古車研究 AF(Adam Fulford)
208 19921206 ‘Tamorian': The latest way to advance language study Shukan Asahi 12/11 最新語学上達法は「タモリ語」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
209 19921206 The 'properties' of wonder candy: One piece and alcohol disappears!? Friday 12/11 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
210 19921206 A queen and many subjects (Matsutoya Yumi: a genuine idol, a true friend, a colossal success. Michael Hoffman dips into the media blitz that preceded the queen of pop's latest CD release) Cosmopolitan, Da Capo, Shukan Asahi 12/20, 12/2, 12/4 - MH(Michael Hoffman)
211 19921220 Christmas presents: Trends and strategies Popeye 12/9 クリスマスプレゼント傾向と対策 AF(Adam Fulford)
212 19921220 A Christmas Mass in a POW camp Spa! 12/23 外人捕虜収容所のメリークリスマス MS(Mark Schreiber)
213 19921220 Neo-Japa-Christmas Dime 12/3 ネオジャパ・クリスマス AF(Adam Fulford)
214 19921220 The Christmas hell of eternal shame! The worst Christmas ever Weekly Playboy, Bisho 12/22-29, 12/16 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
215 19921220 A media-driven Xmas to our readers (Michael Hoffman reports that if things go on like this, there may be room at the inn one of these Christmases.) Mainichi Shinbun, Shukan Bunshun - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
216 19921227 Summon luck Denim January ツキを呼ぶ TI(Takeshi Ito)
217 19921227 Choosing the best and worst of Japan '92 Diamond 12/12 ‘92日本のベストとワーストを選ぶ MS(Mark Schreiber)
218 19921227 Post-bubble, a ' Latin economy' is the ultimate lifestyle! Weekly Playboy 12/22-29 - TI(Takeshi Ito)
219 19921227 Choose me Clique 12/20 私を選んでください。 TI(Takeshi Ito)
220 19921227 Get rid of those dumb illusions about women, you idiot! Deep down women are scary Popeye 12/16 女への甘い幻想を捨てろ!バカね、女の本性は怖いのよ。 TI(Takeshi Ito)
221 19921227 Gatecrashing the brain (A Tarzan special on alcohol, sampled by Michael Hoffman) Tarzan 12/23 - MH(Michael Hoffman)



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