
The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (http://mdn.mainichi.jp).
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
※ この和訳はあくまでもボランティアの方々による一例であり、翻訳の正確さについては各自判断してください。

Int'l crowd getting off on Hiroo's 'Dolce Vita' orgies



Shukan Gendai 12/9 By Mark Schreiber
週刊現代 12月9日号   By マーク・シュライバー

You wouldn't believe what goes on some weekend nights in Hiroo.
Neither did a reporter for Shukan Gendai, until he saw it with his own baby browns.
It seems that swank residential neighborhood in Tokyo offers Japanese and expatriates prurient recreational delights that would be home on the set of an X-rated film.

To give readers a peek into the goings-on at the establishment reputed to be the “best of its kind in Tokyo” Shukan Gendai secured the services of a reporter from a magazine covering the “pink” trade.
He made the scene on a Saturday night in late November accompanied by Keiko, his 25-year-old girlfriend.

Phoning the establishment after arriving at Hiroo subway station, he was directed to an apartment building a short distance away.
At the door, a hulking employee gave him a careful once-over before permitting him and his companion to enter.

“It costs 5,000 yen to join,” the doorman explains.
“The charges are 4,000 yen for the first hour, and 1,000 yen for each hour after that.”
The couple was admitted to a dimly illuminated room measuring about 33 square meters.
After finding a seat on one of six white sofas in the room and ordering drinks, they awaited the arrival of other couples, which included both Japanese and foreigners.

Just after midnight, a Japanese male clad in the black garments that identified him as a denizen of the Roppongi district remarked,
“It looks like a lot of the people here tonight are first-timers. Actually, it's the first time for me too.”

His date, a curvaceous gal bearing a marked resemblance to “Race Queen” model Reiko Takashima then smiled, stood up, thrust her hands up under her skirt and yanked down her panty hose.
She quickly proceeded to peel off her G-string and remove her bra, revealing a spectacular body.
She then sat on the floor facing the rest of the customers, legs bent at the knees to form a letter “M,” in a position that left nothing to the imagination.

“You. Come join us,”the man formerly in black(but now stripped to his boxer shorts) gestured to another male customer, who, shedding his garments, eagerly abandoned his own date for a chance to apply fingers and tongue to the body of the Takashima look-alike.
The threesome were soon intertwined in a rapturous embrace.

Watching the Japanese inspired the foreign couple to begin some heavy necking of their own, and soon the male's organ -- by this time engorged to dimensions that Shukan Gendai describes as analogous to a half-liter PET bottle -- had gained the admiring glances from the other participants.
Partners repeatedly changed,and between moans of ecstasy, the sound of condoms being ripped from their packets could be heard.
その日本人を見てその気になった外国人カップルが濃厚な前儀を始め、そしてすぐに男の股間 ーーこの時までに週刊現代が500mlペットボトルそっくりと描写する大きさまで充血していたーー は他の参加者から羨望のまなざしを集めた。

Fully impressed,the reporter and his companion departed after 3 a.m., leaving behind the man in black, his lady friend, and their newfound pals still going at it.
“Tonight it really went well,”say the unnamed business's manager.
“ Tokyo has about 10 places like this for couples, but a lot of them are cheap and sleazy.
I think their owners just started the businesses because they were getting bored.
So the closing times also vary.”

If you're feeling adventurous and can find a partner who's willing to go along, writes Shukan Gendai, then you too,can see how the other half plays in one of Tokyo's ritziest neighborhoods. (MS)




性風俗 外国人
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最終更新:2009年06月07日 12:02


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*1 LA DOLCE VITA フェデリコ・フェリーニ監督の映画。ゴシップ記者が退廃的な情事を重ねる話なので、シュライバーがエロ雑誌記者が登場する記事に使ったと思われる。http://info.movies.yahoo.co.jp/detail/tymv/id1154/

*2 記事に付けられていた日本語タイトル