All gals have a price -even for a knock from Knock

The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
※ この和訳はあくまでもボランティアの方々による一例であり、翻訳の正確さについては各自判断してください。

"All gals have a price -even for a knock from Knock"



Sunday, May 7, 2000

While most single women would bed SMAP heartthrob Takuya Kimura for nothing - and at least one would actually pay for the privilege - it cost convicted sex criminal and former Osaka Gov.
Knock Yokoyama 5 billion yen for some nooky with one lawmaker's lass, according to a Spa! poll on how much women would charge for their sexual services.

Women from all walks of life - office workers, high school girls, junior college students, Diet members' secretaries, cabaret club showgirls and imminent Tokyo University grads - set a price on their heads, and myriad other services, which ranged from accommodating a lecherous lover who wants it when they don't, to being petted all night by a 70-year-old company chairman.
会社員、高校生、短大生、議員秘書、キャバレーのショーガールから東大卒業見込みまで。あらゆる職業の女性が、彼女自身と様々な奉仕行為に - “本人にその気が無いときに、好きものの恋人がやりたがっていたら同意する”から、“70歳の会社役員に一晩中かわいがられる”まで - に値段をつけた。

But while guys can take heart that the women were prepared to open up on a subject that Spa! says has long been taboo, they might not be as happy to know that a bit of slap and tickle with - or merely even a peep at - the average Akiko is going to set them back a hefty fee.

"We wouldn't do that for any amount, " a group of OLs - office ladies - initially say in unison when asked how much it'd cost for them to strip naked in public.
When pushed for a price, they relented, but charges usually ran into eight figures.

"I probably couldn't stay in Japan any more, so I'd need enough to enjoy a quiet life overseas ... say, 500 million yen," says Yuko, one of the OLs.
Students at junior colleges were even more pricey, though they were a little more conciliatory when it came to sleeping with a teacher for credits.

"If it's for credits, it wouldn't be bad to do it for free," says Satomi, to which Yumi replies, "He'd have to wear a rubber and do it from behind so I didn't have to look at his face."

Spa! says that fourth-year students at the prestigious Tokyo University set realistic prices for their wares, reflecting the calculated self-analysis that helped them pass the grueling test to get into the nation's top tertiary institution.

"From here on in, I'm going to make any amount of money by myself, so if it's only something like posing nude in a magazine, about 100,000 yen would be fine by me," says science major Noriko.

Belying their stereotypical image among many Japanese men as nymphomaniacs, nurses' charges resembled the typically bloated bills made out for medical care in the United States.
There were exceptions, though.
多くの日本人男性が抱いている“淫乱”というステレオタイプに反し、看護婦は莫大な - アメリカにおける医療費の請求書並みの - 金額を請求。

"As long as he asked if it was all right to cuddle me, I'd let him do it.
As long as it didn't feel obscene and didn't last for long, he could do it for free," nurse Rumi says when asked how she'd feel about an elderly patient feeling her up.
Her attitude changes, though, when it comes to what she'd expect from a doctor acting like a gynecologist.
That is, a man who pokes around "down there," for enjoyment rather than for work.

"He'd have to buy me a one-room apartment in [swank] Aoyama, " Rumi says.

Secretaries for Diet members set lofty prices, one saying it'd cost 3 billion yen to strip in front of others, just as much to show her face in a nude magazine pictorial, a billion to wear a mask while nude in public and 5 billion to "knock" Knock.
But the story changed when it came to the matter of sleeping with wealthy - but elderly - members of the Diet.

"For Ton-chan (septuagenarian former Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama), I'd only charge 500,000 yen, " one says with a laugh.

Mayumi, a 17-year-old high school student, says she wouldn't charge her boyfriend for sex even if he called her up, demanded she go over to his place, then ordered her to leave as soon as they'd finished the deed.
"As long as there's love, it'd be OK, " Mayumi says.

Showgirls who strut their stuff at cabaret clubs were more financially accessible than most of their other counterparts.
Nowhere was that more evident than in their attitude toward celebrities.

"To make it more romantic, I'd get him to pay out 420 yen for a bottle of tea from the local convenience store and a packet of cigarettes, then beg him to do it to me," says Moe.
But Chie, also a cabaret club worker, perhaps best summed up the attitude toward sex of most of the women who took part in the poll.

"Be it Takuya Kimura, or Knock, or one of my customers. I don't care who it is, but unless I liked someone, I'd never do it with them.(By Ryann Connell, Staff Writer)



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最終更新:2008年10月23日 20:05


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*1 記事に付けられていた日本語タイトル

*2 one-room apartment:青山の高級ワンルームマンション、でよいと思います。ワンルームという響きがどうしても安っぽいのと、話し言葉にしては長くなるのでワンルームは外しておきました。最近は広めの1Rマンションをスタジオタイプと呼ぶので、スタジオタイプと訳してもいいかも。

*3 celebrities:そのまま有名人でしょう。最後のパラグラフで有名人の名前が出ているので。