サマイトの癒し手/Samite Healer

「サマイトの癒し手/Samite Healer」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

サマイトの癒し手/Samite Healer - (2018/03/31 (土) 13:42:03) のソース

>Healers ultimately acquire the divine gifts of spiritual and physical wholeness. The most devout are also granted the ability to pass physical wholeness on to others.
>&small(){&u(){[[リミテッド]] [[アンリミテッド]] [[リバイズド]]}}

>Healers ultimately acquire the divine gifts of spiritual and physical wholeness. The most devout are also granted the ability to pass physical wholeness on to others.
>&small(){&u(){[[第4版]] [[第5版]] [[第6版]] [[第8版]] [[第9版]] [[第10版]]}}

>Why does a Samite heal? You might as well ask why a bird flies.

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/サマイトの癒し手/Samite Healer}

