

石臼/Millstone - (2022/12/24 (土) 23:22:35) のソース


>More than one mage was driven insane by the sound of the Millstone relentlessly grinding away.
>&small(){&u(){[[アンティキティー]] [[リバイズド]]}}


>More than one mage was driven insane by the sound of the Millstone relentlessly grinding away.
>&small(){&u(){[[第4版]] [[第5版]] [[第6版]] [[第7版]] [[第8版]] [[第9版]] [[第10版]]}}


>Minds, like mountains, are never so grand and mighty that they can't be reduced to dust.
>&small(){&u(){[[基本セット2014]] [[基本セット2019]] [[兄弟戦争]]}}


>"In the lean months, communities lived off a bitterwheat berry so tough that its flour contained more millstone than grain."
>――On the Early History of Keld

&blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/石臼/Millstone}

