灰色オーガ/Gray Ogre

「灰色オーガ/Gray Ogre」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

灰色オーガ/Gray Ogre」(2018/09/08 (土) 23:31:29) の最新版変更点



>The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel believed the purpose of life was to live as high on the food chain as possible. She refused to eat vegetarians, and preferred to live entirely on creatures that preyed on sentient beings. > >&small(){&u(){リミテッド アンリミテッド リバイズド}} >オーガの哲人グナーデルは、食物連鎖の中でより高い地位を得ることこそ人生の目的だと信じていた。彼女は草食動物を食べることを拒み、知的生物を捕食する生き物だけを食べる道を選んだ。 > >The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel believed the purpose of life was to live as high on the food chain as possible. She refused to eat vegetarians, preferring to live entirely on creatures that preyed on sentient beings. > >&small(){&u(){第4版}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/灰色オーガ/Gray Ogre} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)
>The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel believed the purpose of life was to live as high on the food chain as possible. She refused to eat vegetarians, and preferred to live entirely on creatures that preyed on sentient beings. > >&small(){&u(){[[リミテッド]] [[アンリミテッド]] [[リバイズド]]}} >オーガの哲人グナーデルは、食物連鎖の中でより高い地位を得ることこそ人生の目的だと信じていた。彼女は草食動物を食べることを拒み、知的生物を捕食する生き物だけを食べる道を選んだ。 > >The Ogre philosopher Gnerdel believed the purpose of life was to live as high on the food chain as possible. She refused to eat vegetarians, preferring to live entirely on creatures that preyed on sentient beings. > >&small(){&u(){[[第4版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/灰色オーガ/Gray Ogre} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)

