森林狼/Timber Wolves

「森林狼/Timber Wolves」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

森林狼/Timber Wolves」(2018/09/08 (土) 23:37:16) の最新版変更点



>Though many think of Wolves as solitary predators, they are actually extremely social animals. During a hunt they often call to each other, which can be quite unsettling for their prey. > >&small(){&u(){リミテッド アンリミテッド リバイズド}} >孤独な肉食獣だと多くの人々から誤解されているが、実のところ、狼はきわめて社会的な動物である。狩りの間も仲間どうしで呼び合うことが少なくない。狩られる側にとってはまったく嫌な鳴き声だろう。 > >Though many think of Wolves as solitary predators, they are actually extremely social animals. During a hunt they often call to each other, which can be quite unsettling for their prey. > >&small(){&u(){第4版}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/森林狼/Timber Wolves} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)
>Though many think of Wolves as solitary predators, they are actually extremely social animals. During a hunt they often call to each other, which can be quite unsettling for their prey. > >&small(){&u(){[[リミテッド]] [[アンリミテッド]] [[リバイズド]]}} >孤独な肉食獣だと多くの人々から誤解されているが、実のところ、狼はきわめて社会的な動物である。狩りの間も仲間どうしで呼び合うことが少なくない。狩られる側にとってはまったく嫌な鳴き声だろう。 > >Though many think of Wolves as solitary predators, they are actually extremely social animals. During a hunt they often call to each other, which can be quite unsettling for their prey. > >&small(){&u(){[[第4版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/森林狼/Timber Wolves} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)

