ヴォーデイリアの兵士/Vodalian Soldiers

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ヴォーデイリアの兵士/Vodalian Soldiers」(2023/11/05 (日) 14:09:55) の最新版変更点



&image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?type=card&multiverseid=1899,height=315,width=220) >"Vodalian Soldiers had some unique advantages. Often they would ride into battle on war machines rumored to have come from the far northern oceans." >――Sarpadian Empires, vol. V > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?type=card&multiverseid=1901,height=315,width=220) >"You think you know everything there is to know about battle? You know Orc droppings Underwater combat is three dimensional. Those thrice-damned Vodalians don't attack in ranks; they attack in schools." >――Ivra Jursdotter > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?type=card&multiverseid=1900,height=315,width=220) >"Stalwart Soldiers, you stand against the Homarids for Vodalia and for honor. Your homeland cries out for protection, and the moment has come. Now let your valor shine, and sound the cry to battle. Victory to Vodalia" >――Marshall Volnikov > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?type=card&multiverseid=1902,height=315,width=220) >"The cooling climate introduced a new threat to Vodalia: the Homarids. Once a minor nuisance, they thrived in the changing environment. Their ceaseless attacks strained Vodalia's defenses to their limit, eventually overwhelming the empire." >――Sarpadian Empires, vol. V > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=3955&type=card,height=315,width=220) >ヴォーデイリアのマーフォークは、皮膚の色と模様を見ればその身分がわかる。なかでも赤いやつには注意しろ。女帝のお気に入りのしるしだからな。 >――真珠採りのコアビーオ > >"Vodalian rank is displayed by the colors and patterns of their skin. Beware the color red; that is the badge of the empress's favor." >――Corbio, pearl diver > >&small(){&u(){[[第5版]] [[第6版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ヴォーデイリアの兵士/Vodalian Soldiers} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)
&image(Vodalian Soldiers.jpg,height=315,width=220) >"Vodalian Soldiers had some unique advantages. Often they would ride into battle on war machines rumored to have come from the far northern oceans." >――Sarpadian Empires, vol. V > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Vodalian Soldiers2.jpg,height=315,width=220) >"You think you know everything there is to know about battle? You know Orc droppings Underwater combat is three dimensional. Those thrice-damned Vodalians don't attack in ranks; they attack in schools." >――Ivra Jursdotter > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Vodalian Soldiers3.jpg,height=315,width=220) >"Stalwart Soldiers, you stand against the Homarids for Vodalia and for honor. Your homeland cries out for protection, and the moment has come. Now let your valor shine, and sound the cry to battle. Victory to Vodalia" >――Marshall Volnikov > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Vodalian Soldiers4.jpg,height=315,width=220) >"The cooling climate introduced a new threat to Vodalia: the Homarids. Once a minor nuisance, they thrived in the changing environment. Their ceaseless attacks strained Vodalia's defenses to their limit, eventually overwhelming the empire." >――Sarpadian Empires, vol. V > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Vodalian Soldiers5.jpg,height=315,width=220) >ヴォーデイリアのマーフォークは、皮膚の色と模様を見ればその身分がわかる。なかでも赤いやつには注意しろ。女帝のお気に入りのしるしだからな。 >――真珠採りのコアビーオ > >"Vodalian rank is displayed by the colors and patterns of their skin. Beware the color red; that is the badge of the empress's favor." >――Corbio, pearl diver > >&small(){&u(){[[第5版]] [[第6版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ヴォーデイリアの兵士/Vodalian Soldiers} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)

