ドワーフ兵士/Dwarven Soldier

「ドワーフ兵士/Dwarven Soldier」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

ドワーフ兵士/Dwarven Soldier」(2023/11/05 (日) 15:52:19) の最新版変更点



&image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=1946&type=card,height=315,width=220) >"Although the Dwarves staunchly defended their walled city-states against the Orcs, their civilization was the first to fall, and its name was sadly lost." >――Sarpadian Empires, vol. I > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?type=card&multiverseid=1944,height=315,width=220) >There is a legend among present-day Dwarves that the Dwarves of Sarpadia will one day return to defend Dwarvenkind against a deadly peril. > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?type=card&multiverseid=1945,height=315,width=220) >"Let no one say we did not fight until the last . . . ." >――Headstone fragment from a mass grave found in the Crimson Peaks > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=4042&type=card,height=315,width=220) >オークを殺せ >オークを殺せ >オークがいない? >では、進め―― >――ドワーフの行進歌 > >"Orc must die / Orc must die / Not an orc? / March on by." >――Dwarven marching song > >&small(){&u(){[[第5版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ドワーフ兵士/Dwarven Soldier} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)
&image(Dwarven Soldier.jpg,height=315,width=220) >"Although the Dwarves staunchly defended their walled city-states against the Orcs, their civilization was the first to fall, and its name was sadly lost." >――Sarpadian Empires, vol. I > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Dwarven Soldier2.jpg,height=315,width=220) >There is a legend among present-day Dwarves that the Dwarves of Sarpadia will one day return to defend Dwarvenkind against a deadly peril. > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Dwarven Soldier3.jpg,height=315,width=220) >"Let no one say we did not fight until the last . . . ." >――Headstone fragment from a mass grave found in the Crimson Peaks > >&small(){&u(){[[フォールン・エンパイア]]}} &image(Dwarven Soldier4.jpg,height=315,width=220) >オークを殺せ >オークを殺せ >オークがいない? >では、進め―― >――ドワーフの行進歌 > >"Orc must die / Orc must die / Not an orc? / March on by." >――Dwarven marching song > >&small(){&u(){[[第5版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ドワーフ兵士/Dwarven Soldier} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)

