ゴブリンの勇士/Goblin Hero

「ゴブリンの勇士/Goblin Hero」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

ゴブリンの勇士/Goblin Hero」(2022/11/07 (月) 00:01:30) の最新版変更点



&image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=1792&type=card,height=315,width=220) >They attack in an orgy of rage and madness, but only one seemed as focused on killing us as the sheer joy of battle. > >&small(){&u(){[[ザ・ダーク]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=21066&type=card,height=315,width=220) >When you're a goblin, you don't have to step forward to be a hero—everyone else just has to step back. > >&small(){&u(){[[スターター]]}} &image(https://gatherer.wizards.com/Handlers/Image.ashx?multiverseid=4056&type=card,height=315,width=220) >ゴブリンにとっては、勇士と呼ばれるのに前に出る必要はない――ほかのやつらは、黙ってたって後ろにさがるんだからな! >――ゴブリンの古参兵、ビッガム・フロドロット > >"When you're a goblin, you don't have to step forward to be a hero――everyone else just has to step back!" >――Biggum Flodrot, goblin veteran > >&small(){&u(){[[第5版]] [[第6版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ゴブリンの勇士/Goblin Hero} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)
&image(Goblin Hero.jpg,height=315,width=220) >They attack in an orgy of rage and madness, but only one seemed as focused on killing us as the sheer joy of battle. > >&small(){&u(){[[ザ・ダーク]]}} &image(Goblin Hero2.jpg,height=315,width=220) >When you're a goblin, you don't have to step forward to be a hero—everyone else just has to step back. > >&small(){&u(){[[スターター]]}} &image(Goblin Hero3.jpg,height=315,width=220) >ゴブリンにとっては、勇士と呼ばれるのに前に出る必要はない――ほかのやつらは、黙ってたって後ろにさがるんだからな! >――ゴブリンの古参兵、ビッガム・フロドロット > >"When you're a goblin, you don't have to step forward to be a hero――everyone else just has to step back!" >――Biggum Flodrot, goblin veteran > >&small(){&u(){[[第5版]] [[第6版]]}} &blanklink(【M:TG Wiki】){http://mtgwiki.com/wiki/ゴブリンの勇士/Goblin Hero} ---- #pcomment(reply,new)

