旅行者の護符/Traveler's Amulet


The rider set off into the eerie mist, swaddled in armor and laden with amulets.


"What we call magic is nothing more than hope crystallized into a destination."
――Perisophia the philosopher


"Why wander in search of a new home when the path is laid out before you?"
――Pytamun, former Nef-crop initiate


"The best kind of treasure is the kind that leads to more treasure!"
――Captain Lannery Storm


A vision of home, and a glimpse of hope.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • イニストラード
  • テーロス
  • 破滅の刻
  • イクサランの相克
  • テーロス還魂記
  • ダブルマスターズ2022

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最終更新:2024年04月04日 04:20