レシュラックの秘儀/Leshrac's Rite

"Bind me to thee, my soul to thine. I am your servant and your slave. I shall hunger for your word and thirst for your blessing. Blood for blood, flesh for flesh, Leshrac, my lord."
――Lim-Dûl, the Necromancer


"Bind me to thee, my soul to thine. I am your servant and your slave. I shall hunger for your word and thirst for your blessing. Blood for blood, flesh for flesh, Leshrac, my lord."
――Lim-Dûl, the Necromancer


"Brackish water, dark and blind
Heed my will, to you I bind."
――Opening passage of Leshrac's Rite

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • アイスエイジ
  • 第5版
  • 第6版
  • 第7版

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最終更新:2018年04月02日 19:05