鼓舞する突撃/Inspired Charge


"Impossible! How could they overwhelm us? We had barricades, war elephants, . . . and they were barely a tenth of our number!"
――General Avitora


"For the lands you have lost and the beauty that remains, for freedom and the future, we must hold nothing back!"
――Gideon Jura


One dwarf on a build team ensures competence. All dwarves on the team ensures brilliance.


"We are armed with light and steel. Who can stand against us?"

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 基本セット2011
  • 基本セット2015
  • 戦乱のゼンディカー
  • カラデシュ
  • 基本セット2019
  • 基本セット2020

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最終更新:2019年12月01日 19:42