確実な一撃/Sure Strike


To survive imminent doom, it sometimes takes a foolhardy soul who acts first and fears later.


"Everyone has a weak spot."


"I packed three more electroconduits into each test wand. You'll experience a brief tingling sensation."


Before the officiant even had a chance to ask if anyone objected to the Voldaren-Markov union, Arlinn made her opinion known.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 戦乱のゼンディカー
  • イクサラン
  • 基本セット2019
  • ラヴニカのギルド
  • イニストラード:真紅の契り
  • 基本セット2021

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最終更新:2023年03月26日 14:12