リスティックの研究/Rhystic Study


Friends teach what you want to know. Enemies teach what you need to know.

“I believe I’ve discovered something truly incredible: a way to harness magic through science!”
――Jayce Talis


"I'll teach you the leyline paratrigonometrics, no problem. But you need to show me how to make that fiery swirly thing."
――Zimone, to Rootha


"Despite her father's warnings, Valtry's fascination with the surface only grew. She collected things that fell to the bottom, daydreaming of life on land."
――The Merfolk Who Walked

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  • プロフェシー
  • ジャンプスタート2022
  • エルドレインの森
  • Secret Lair Drop

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最終更新:2023年11月14日 01:38