野望の代償/Ambition's Cost


"When you give offense to heaven, to whom can you pray?"
――Cao Cao, quoting Confucius


"Knowledge demands sacrifice."


The waters of wisdom are as dust in the mouth of one who thirsts for power.


"Conquering your first world is the hardest, after all. My power grew as I moved from world to world, taking anything that would make the next taking easier."
――Ob Nixilis

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ポータル三国志
  • 第8版
  • 統率者2015
  • 統率者2017
  • 統率者2020
  • カルドハイム統率者デッキ
  • 統率者2021
  • その他
  • 統率者レジェンズ:バルダーズ・ゲートの戦い
  • 団結のドミナリア統率者デッキ

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最終更新:2022年11月04日 00:16