墓穴までの契約/Grave Pact


"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."


"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."
――Crovax, ascendant evincar


"The bonds of loyalty can tie one to the grave."
――Crovax, ascendant evincar


Denied the peace of the Blessed Sleep, geists lash out at the living, and the cycle of anger and unrest continues unbroken.


As the ritual neared its climax, the exultant cultists waited with bated breath, unaware of the looming consequences of the scroll's translation error.


"‘Fools,' sneered the witch. ‘I never intended to leave here alive. And thanks to your dogged insistence on following me, neither will you.'"
――Hexes of Dunbarrow

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ストロングホールド
  • 第8版
  • 第9版
  • 第10版
  • 統率者
  • エルドレインの森
  • 統率者マスターズ

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最終更新:2024年03月28日 20:51