血染めの月/Blood Moon

Heavy light flooded across the landscape, cloaking everything in deep crimson.


Heavy light flooded across the landscape, cloaking everything in deep crimson.


Bathed in deep crimson, the land that once gave comfort and shelter now yielded nothing but hostility.

the same astrological influences that govern individuals apply to companies, which are, after all, composed of people and legally considered person-like entities.


"The wyrm's dread eye upon the land was turned,
And all its people bent the knee—or burned."
――"The Night of Dragonfire"

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ザ・ダーク
  • クロニクル
  • 第8版
  • 第9版
  • モダンマスターズ2017
  • ダブルマスターズ
  • Secret Lair Drop
  • エルドレインの森

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最終更新:2024年03月31日 20:51