ゴブリンの王/Goblin King

To become king of the Goblins, one must assassinate the previous king. Thus, only the most foolish seek positions of leadership.


To become king of the Goblins, one must assassinate the previous king. Thus, only the most foolish seek positions of leadership.


To be king, Numsgil did in Blog, who did in Unkful, who did in Viddle, who did in Loll, who did in Alrok . . . .

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • リミテッド
  • アンリミテッド
  • リバイズド
  • 第4版
  • 第5版
  • 第6版
  • 第7版
  • 第8版
  • 第9版
  • 第10版

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最終更新:2018年04月01日 20:05