針刺ワーム/Spined Wurm


"As it moved, the wurm's spines gathered up bits of flowstone, which took the shapes of dead villagers' heads. Each head spoke a single sound, but if taken together, they said, ‘Alas for the living.'"
――Dal myth of the wurm


It has more teeth than fit in its mouth.


"I wouldn't stand in front of that wurm, son. 'Course, I wouldn't stand behind it neither. In fact, standing anywhere near that wurm's not much of a plan. Running, now that's a plan!"
――Wandering mage


"I wouldn't stand in front of that wurm, son. 'Course, I wouldn't stand behind it neither. In fact, standing anywhere near that wurm's not much of a plan. Running, now that's a plan!"
――Wandering mage


Its spines act like the teeth of a saw, scoring distinctive marks in the vegetation of its territory.


"They're as much like plants as animals. Leave them unchecked, and they'll choke out all other forms of life."
――Hadi Kasten, Calla Dale naturalist

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ストロングホールド
  • ポータル
  • 第7版
  • 第8版
  • 第9版
  • 第10版
  • 基本セット2011

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最終更新:2018年04月02日 01:21