大物潰し/Smite the Monstrous


Though the old holy wards and roadside shrines have begun to fail, faith in Avacyn still holds true power.


"The dragons thought they were too strong to be tamed, too large to fall. And where are they now?"
――Khibat the Revered


The changing of a single moment in Tarkir's past altered its future, rewriting its history.



After watching the kor in battle, Gideon understood the difference between working together and working as one.


"Darkness always flees from the light, and I am the breaking dawn."
――Kordain, luminarch of Kabira

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • イニストラード
  • タルキール覇王譚
  • ウギンの運命
  • 戦乱のゼンディカー
  • ゼンディカーの夜明け

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最終更新:2020年10月18日 13:59