スレイベンの守護者、サリア/Thalia, Guardian of Thraben


"Thraben is our home and I will not see it fall to this unhallowed horde."

"I've sworn to protect the people from the horrors that would destroy them—even if those horrors are the angels themselves."

"I serve the soft light of the moon that holds back the terrors of the night. I serve the bonds between us, driving out the fear that would break us apart."

"I would rather be a heretic than betray my conscience."

"I am the Guardian of Thraben, and I claim my right to speak before the council."


"Thraben belongs to the living. I will not rest until it is cleansed."


"Our dear Madam Mina is once more our teacher. Her eyes have been where we were blinded. Now we are on the track once again, and this time we may succeed."

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 闇の隆盛
  • マスターズ25
  • イニストラード:真紅の契り
  • Secret Lair Drop

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最終更新:2021年11月14日 00:21