曲がりくねる川/Meandering River


The river split into many channels as it flowed to the Halimar Sea. Few travelers could follow the same one twice.


"Everywhere you look, this world is healing from its wounds. Aren't you ready to do the same?"
――Jhoira, to Teferi

Clouds and mists cover the lake as though it were a dreamland. When the wind rises, the mists disperse, opening great vistas of rippling reeds.

Global Series: Jiang Yanggu and Mu Yanling

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ゲートウォッチの誓い
  • アモンケット
  • ドミナリア
  • 基本セット2019
  • 統率者2018
  • カルドハイム統率者デッキ
  • Global Series: Jiang Yanggu and Mu Yanling

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最終更新:2021年05月30日 15:52