苦しめる声/Tormenting Voice


"Unwelcome thoughts crowd my mind. Are they my own madness, or the whispers of another?"
――Sarkhan Vol


A mocking laughter echoed in Ugin's mind. How many centuries had he slumbered, stricken, while Nicol Bolas moved unchallenged among the planes?


"The voice has grown louder, its accusations angrier and more insistent. By morning, it will likely drown out all else. I fear what I will do."
――Letter discovered in an abandoned estate


"You are undeserving of the afterlife. You will never feel the God-Pharaoh's embrace."


Kargan tribal lands rarely have issues with goblin raids. Coincidentally, they also rarely have issues keeping their dragons fed.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • タルキール覇王譚
  • タルキール龍紀伝
  • イニストラードを覆う影
  • コンスピラシー:王位争奪
  • アモンケット
  • アイコニックマスターズ
  • ゼンディカーの夜明け
  • 基本セット2019

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最終更新:2020年10月18日 20:52