記憶の欠落/Memory Lapse

"Um . . . oh . . . what was I saying?"
――Reveka, Wizard Savant

"Oh, I had a conscience once. But alas, I seem to have forgotten where I put it."


"The caliph was so intelligent he could not remember what he knew."
――Azeworai, "Three Riddles"


"Oh, I had a conscience once. But alas, I seem to have forgotten where I put it."


"Um . . . oh . . . what was I saying?"
――Reveka, wizard savant


"Eri phar phesta . . . um, phistor . . . er, phistara . . ."


"To sculpt a mind is to see every memory and thought as an individual piece that can be rearranged――or removed."
――Jace Beleren



What a lonely agony, the memory of memories lost.


"Where do our forgotten thoughts go? I knew once, but I can't remember."
――Director Taiva, journal entry

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ホームランド
  • ミラージュ
  • 第5版
  • 第6版
  • 第7版
  • エターナルマスターズ
  • その他
  • ミスティカルアーカイブ

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最終更新:2023年11月06日 21:18