真鍮爪のオーク/Brassclaw Orcs

"Brassclaws were typical Orcs――quick to laud their own prowess in battle, quick to jeer at their opponents, and quicker still to run away when things started to look slightly dangerous."
――Sarpadian Empires, vol. IV

"The large brass claws worn by some Sarpadian Orc tribes were among the least feared weapons ever known."
――Sarpadian Empires, vol. IV

"A whole skin is worth a thousand victories."
――Orcish Veteran of the Battle of Montford

"The Brassclaws delighted in lightning raids on Icatian and Dwarven towns; an unprepared enemy is easier to defeat."
――Sarpadian Empires, vol. IV


"Modern Sarpadia's swarming with thrulls. It's a testament to the orcs that they've survived there so long."
――Elbietta, Argivian scholar

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  • タグ:
  • フォールン・エンパイア
  • 第5版

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最終更新:2023年11月05日 14:58