自然の泉/Natural Spring


Though many have come to this place to wash their wounds, the water has never turned red.


Mirri listened intently, even as Hanna held the healing water to her lips. Would the sound of the spring drown out the elves' approach?


The dying ask for water because they know it contains life.


The dying ask for water because they know it contains life.

宝石にも金にも飲みこまれはせぬ。 文明が交易しているものを、自然は単に生み出している。

"Jewels cannot be eaten nor gold drunk. What civilization trades, nature simply provides."
――Molimo, maro-sorcerer

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ポータル
  • ポータル・セカンドエイジ
  • テンペスト
  • 第9版
  • 第10版

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最終更新:2018年04月01日 23:16