
Many scholars believe that these creatures were the result of Urza's first attempt at mechanical life, perhaps created in his early days as an apprentice to Tocasia.


Many scholars believe that these creatures were the result of Urza's first attempt at mechanical life, perhaps created in his early days as an apprentice to Tocasia.


"It has been my honor to improve on Thran's original design. Perhaps history will remember me in some small part for my work."
――Urza, in his apprenticeship


Regardless of the century, plane, or species, developing artificers never fail to invent the ornithopter.


Once a year, the skies over Paliano fill with the flying machines of those who hope to be taken on as pupils by the artificer Muzzio.


"You want to know what we are fighting for? Look at the wonder in that child's eyes."
――Pia Nalaar

"Consider all confiscated items hostile until proven otherwise."
――Confiscation directive

Masterpiece Series:Kaladesh Inventions


"Without Urza's ingenuity, the wings would never have borne weight. Without Mishra's courage, we would never have known the machine's true potential. I hope this persuades them to work together more."
――Tocasia, journal entry

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • アンティキティー
  • ミラディン
  • リバイズド
  • 第4版
  • 第5版
  • 第6版
  • 第9版
  • 第10版
  • 基本セット2010
  • 基本セット2011
  • 基本セット2015
  • 霊気紛争
  • その他
  • 兄弟戦争

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最終更新:2022年12月24日 23:37