珊瑚マーフォーク/Coral Merfolk


It is not unusual for a single family of coral merfolk to spend centuries carefully guiding the growth of the reefs where they make their home.


The coral merfolk delight in wrestling with their foes, skinning them alive on the razor-sharp edges of their reef.

マーフォークは、繊細な魔法を使うことで知られている。 しかし、彼らの領域で戦いを挑んだ者達は、すぐに戦場でのマーフォークが無防備とは程遠いことを思い知らされる。

Merfolk are best known for their subtle magic. But those who try to fight them in their own territory quickly realize that merfolk are hardly defenseless on the field of battle.


Early sailors thought they were tricks of the mind or perhaps manatees. As more and more ships were classified as lost to "manatee attacks," the truth began to dawn.


The merfolk know every contour of their coral homes; each reef is a garden in times of peace, and a refuge and fortress in times of war.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ウルザズ・サーガ
  • 第7版
  • 基本セット2010
  • 基本セット2012
  • 基本セット2014
  • 基本セット2020

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