

"We decide who is worthy of our works."
――Gix, Yawgmoth praetor


"Change your mind, or I'll change it for you."


"Don't worry. I'm not going to deprive you of all your secrets. Just your most precious one."
――Liliana Vess


"It hurts more if you think about it."
――Hooks, Cabal torturer


Sarkhan was eager to take vengeance on Zurgo until he saw how lowly his old foe had become.


"Don't worry. I'm not going to deprive you of all your secrets. Just your most precious one."
――Liliana Vess


Solitude and starvation are brutal punishments, but even worse is all that time to think.


Resistance is unthinkable.


"Magic brought peace to the Vastlands but was soon corrupted."
――The Mystic Age: A Saga of Spells


The Voldaren torture pits are so expansive that prisoners have a nasty tendency to be forgotten for years.


"Give of yourself, for compleation awaits the cleansed."
――Nokar, priest of Sheoldred

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ウルザズ・サーガ
  • タルキール龍紀伝
  • エターナルマスターズ
  • 第7版
  • 基本セット2010
  • 基本セット2011
  • 基本セット2013
  • 基本セット2014
  • イクサラン
  • アイコニックマスターズ
  • 基本セット2020
  • 基本セット2019
  • 基本セット2021
  • ミスティカルアーカイブ
  • イニストラード:真夜中の狩り
  • ファイレクシア:完全なる統一

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最終更新:2023年03月08日 15:58