アシュノッドの供犠台/Ashnod's Altar


The Brothers' War scarred the land, but Ashnod left her mark in the bloodlines of those she tortured.


"If you work at sawing up carcasses, you notice how the joints fit, how the nerves are arrayed, and how the skin peels back."
――Ashnod, to Tawnos


"Blood fluting needs to be deeper. Additional hooks needed for nerve rigging. Surface stippling could be coarser."
――Ashnod, design notes

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • 第5版
  • 第6版
  • エターナルマスターズ
  • 兄弟戦争

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最終更新:2023年04月03日 19:00