ルーンの母/Mother of Runes


"My family protects all families."


She will not touch a weapon, yet she is the greatest protector her people have ever known.


"My family protects all families."

Her boundless love has moved many. Her confidence has moved mountains.

She weaves an elaborate spell of love, care, and protection, enveloping her people in soothing warmth.

"Even if the heavens should fall or the earth split beneath your feet, I will keep you safe."

"Don’t eat anyone before dinner—you’ll ruin your appetite."

"Each of them is my child, and no harm will befall them while I yet breathe."

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ウルザズ・レガシー
  • 統率者
  • エターナルマスターズ
  • デュエルデッキ:エルズペス vs キオーラ
  • 統率者レジェンズ:バルダーズ・ゲートの戦い

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最終更新:2023年05月26日 04:29