

Masters of the arcane savor a delicious irony. Their study of deep and complex arcana leads to such a simple end: the ability to say merely yes or no.


Masters of the arcane savor a delicious irony. Their study of deep and complex arcana leads to such a simple end: the ability to say merely yes or no.


"You cannot be an Ojutai monk. They prize wisdom and skill, and you have neither."
――Siara, the Dragon's Mouth


"Eventually, everything returns to silence."
――Zarra, lullmage


"It is fascinating to see how the people of this plane replicate magical techniques without a natural gift. Also frustrating."
――Jace Beleren


"As one, nature lifts its voice to tell you this: ‘No.'"


"The ancient kor were a clever bunch with a taste for nasty traps. Spikes, poison, fire pouring forth with no warning . . . I've seen and disabled them all. If you intend to raid a Skyclave, you'd be wise to hire me on."


"Shatter your opponent's spell with enough force, and you'll shatter their confidence with it."
――Tome of Obstructions, marginalia


"It's frustrating, isn't it, to be so weak and ineffectual? Don't worry, you'll be compleat soon enough."

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • モーニングタイド
  • ゲートウォッチの誓い
  • 基本セット2010
  • 基本セット2011
  • 基本セット2012
  • 基本セット2013
  • 基本セット2014
  • 基本セット2015
  • マジック・オリジン
  • タルキール龍紀伝
  • イクサランの相克
  • バトルボンド
  • コンスピラシー:王位争奪
  • 霊気紛争
  • 基本セット2020
  • ゼンディカーの夜明け
  • ミスティカルアーカイブ
  • 団結のドミナリア

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最終更新:2022年09月23日 21:06