柱平原の雄牛/Pillarfield Ox


These stubborn and unpredictable oxen inspire the plains nomads' most colorful curses.



"May starving fleas birth a thousand generations on your stubborn hide, cow!"
――Bruse Tarl, Goma Fada nomad

基本セット2013 コンスピラシー


"You old, immobile clod! If I could stuff your doltish head with knowledge, I'd do it just so someone else could fully comprehend what your stubbornness has cost me!"
――Bruse Tarl, Goma Fada nomad


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  • コンスピラシー
  • 基本セット2013
  • 基本セット2014

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最終更新:2017年08月15日 23:59