彩色の灯籠/Chromatic Lantern


Dimir mages put the lanterns to good use, creating shapeshifters and sleeper agents from mana foreign to them.

It exemplifies the motto of the Luminary League: "Innovation requires insatiable curiosity and a good source of light."


By guild tradition, any puddle of multicolored light on the cobblestones can serve as neutral ground.

Used carefully, material that has been exposed to the baleful energies of the Warp can be contained to fuel powerful rituals.


"Feldon's latest discovery appears to draw upon the same ‘memories of the land' my wife studied. How I wish she could see it."
――Writings of Drafna

「Kaladesh Inventions」編者私訳

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ラヴニカへの回帰
  • 統率者2016
  • ラヴニカのギルド
  • Kaladesh Inventions
  • ウォーハンマー40000統率者デッキ
  • 兄弟戦争
  • ファイレクシア:完全なる統一統率者デッキ

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最終更新:2023年04月05日 18:03