シミックの印鑑/Simic Signet


For the Simic Combine, its sigil serves not as an emblem of honor but as a trademark. Its familiar image on any biological commodity attests to superb craftsmanship, ingenious innovation, and higher cost.


For the Simic Combine, its sigil serves not as an emblem of honor but as a trademark. Its familiar image on any biological commodity attests to superb craftsmanship, ingenious innovation, and higher cost.

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • ディセンション
  • 統率者
  • 統率者2013
  • 統率者2015
  • 統率者2016
  • 統率者2017
  • モダンマスターズ2017
  • 統率者レジェンズ
  • 統率者2021

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最終更新:2023年05月25日 03:23