

All Mirri wanted to do was rest, but she couldn't ignore a nagging suspicion as she followed Crovax's skulking form.

あの秘密を知ってるかい? 夜中に飛び起きて冷や汗をたっぷりかいちまうような、世界中の他の誰もが知らないはずのやつさ。当ててみなよ。

"You know that secret? The one that wakes you up at night in a cold sweat? The one you think no one else in the world knows? Well, guess what."


"Surely you know the joy of the hunt, my furry friend. My kind of hunt just takes a different form than yours."


"Valtry gasped. The strange new coral was not coral at all, but a fallen drywalker! But how did it get to the bottom of Loch Larent?"
――The Merfolk Who Walked

+ タグ編集
  • タグ:
  • エクソダス
  • 第8版
  • イニストラード
  • エルドレインの森
  • マスターズ25

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