utsc AGSAM2006 @Wiki




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UTSC Toshihiro INOUE

In this workshop, you will participate in the roll-playing game which simulates the COP negotiation for climate change issues.
COP is known as the conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Toshihiro Inoue is one of the coordinators for this workshop. He is a PhD student and his research focuses on the relationship of the penetration of the renewable energy especially of wind energy, the sustainable energy society and climate change. He also belongs to AGS-UTSC which organizes this workshop.
The objective of this project is to develop our future vision for climate change issues by experiencing a roll-playing-game which conceived from the outcome of AGS-UTSC (the University of Tokyo Student Community) activities.
AGS-UTSC was established in May 2000 in order to contribute to AGS’s activities as students. UTSC has willingly developed their activities under their objectives relating to the sustainability.
Actually, UTSC has some working groups which working on some specific topics related to sustainability. CCWG (Climate Change Working Group), one of UTSC working groups, will take the initiative in organizing this project with their observer experiences for the COP.
Some members of WSC-SD (Word Student Community for Sustainable Development) are also the members of AGS as the university of Tokyo, Chalmers university of technology and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. And some of these students help us to organize this project.
Through this network of community and our activities, we constructed the very powerful and meaty simulation game for this workshop.
Since the interdisciplinary collaborations and international participants become wider recognized as fundamental and essential points to approach the sustainability these days, we believe this project will be a great opportunity for participants to share opinions with the people who have various backgrounds.


Although Climate Change was disregarded in spite of the scientists' alerts, it is now one of the big issues of international negotiations. Nevertheless international negotiation on climate change still have hard going. From the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol which took very hard work in 1997, to coming into force of the Kyoto Protocol in 2005, they have taken conferences time and time again. And it still has many agendas remaining.
This workshop simulates the Climate Change negotiation, and aims to understand involved interests caused by the country’s diversity and uncertainties caused by the difficulty of revealing Climate Change.
In our workshop project, we will take these different interests of countries and the uncertainties as factors to understand the complexity of Climate Change issues.
To Analyze the system of Climate Change issues, we simplified the negotiation agenda and incorporated these factors on this game. The game is played by as roll-playing, so the participants will experience the difficulty of the negotiation. We would like you to pay attention to not only the result but also the process of decision
After having this kind of experience, we can discuss about the difference between the situation in our game and the actuality.
We hope that more discussion will be done by the participants on the back of the negotiation game. And also we hope you to consider the Climate Change issues with diversity through this workshop.
This project is the results of CCWG (Climate Change Working Group) activities based on the experience of several members from CCWG who participated in COP last three years. Mai MURAYAMA, one of the two representatives of CCWG, and Yumiko WATANABE, an ex-representative, lead this work. They will also explain this workshop at the poster session.


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