
チュートリアル:XMLの概要-3」(2006/01/30 (月) 10:40:24) の最新版変更点



<b>&lt;?xml version="1.0"encoding="{ .konファイルのエンコーディング }"?&gt;</b><br> XML宣言では、どのようなXMLおよびエンコーディングを使用しているのかをパーサに通知します。<br> <span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">:XMLdeclaration which tells the parserwhat</span><br> <span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">kind of XML and encoding it isreading.</span><br> <hr size="2" width="100%">   <b>&lt;widget&gt;</b>: Widgetコードを開始する必須タグ<br>   <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Mandatory tag which starts theWidget code.</span><br>   <b>&lt;debug&gt;</b>:デバッグウィンドウのon/offを切り替える<br>    <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Turns the debug window on and off,as well as givingoptionsfor how and when the debug is displayed.</span><br>   <b>&lt;version&gt;</b>: Widgetのバージョン<br>   <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the version of theWidget.</span><br>  <b>&lt;minimumVersion&gt;</b>Widgetが使用可能なエンジンのバージョン<br>   : <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the version ofKonfabulator that theWidgetrequires to be able to run.</span><br> <hr size="2" width="100%">  <b>&lt;window&gt;</b>Widgetのサイズを決める必須のタグ。Windowの外側は一切表示されない。<br> : <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Mandatory tag which defines how large todraw theWidget.Anything outside the window</span><br style= "color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">bounds will be cut off.</span><br>     <b>&lt;name&gt;</b>:Windowの名前を定義する。これは後でJavascripが処理するときに使います。<span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Definesthe window's name. Used for later manipulationinJavaScript.</span><br>     <b>&lt;title&gt;</b>:Windowのタイトルを定義します。右クリックしたときなどのWidgetの名前としても使用されます。<br> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the window's title. Usedincontrol/right-clickfor displaying the Widget's name</span><br style= "color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">to the user (About &lt;title&gt;) and inother areas.</span><br>     <b>&lt;height&gt;</b>Windowの高さをピクセル数で指定します。<br>     <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">: Defines the window's heightin pixels.</span><br>     <b>&lt;width&gt;</b>:Windowの幅をピクセル数で指定します。<br>     <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the window's width inpixels.</span><br>     <b>&lt;visible&gt;</b>:Widgetの可視・不可視をboolean値(0/1 ortrue/false)で記述します。これは、あるデータを取得したりユーザが操作する前に何らかの処理を組み込む場合に有効です。<br> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">A boolean value (1 or 0, true or false canbe used in substitute) which defines whether the Widget can be seen ornot.</span><br style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">This is useful if you need tofetchsomedata or run a couple of short processes before displaying the Widgetto the user.</span><br> <hr size="2" width="100%">   <b>&lt;image&gt;</b>: Allows use of images in a Widget.<br>     <b>&lt;name&gt;</b>: Defines the image's name. Used for latermanipulationinJavaScript.<br>     <b>&lt;hOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset theimagehorizontallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner.<br>     <b>&lt;vOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset theimageverticallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner.<br>     <b>&lt;hRegistrationPoint&gt;</b>: Defines the X-pixel coordinate fromwhichtobase things like offset and<br> rotation. This is set to 0 by default (The left side of the image).<br>     <b>&lt;vRegistrationPoint&gt;</b>: Defines the Y-pixel coordinate fromwhichtobase things like offset and<br> rotation. This is set to 0 by default (The top edge of the image).<br>     <b>&lt;rotation&gt;:</b> Defines how far to rotate an image in degrees.<br>     <b>&lt;opacity&gt;</b>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines the opacityoftheimage. Percentile values can<br> also be used.<br>     <b>&lt;onMouseDown&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens the mousebuttonispressed on the image<br> object.<br>     <b>&lt;onMouseUp&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens the mousebuttonisreleased on the image<br> object. This is favored over the onMouseDown action.<br>   <b>&lt;text&gt;</b>: Allows use of text in a Widget.<br>     <b>&lt;name&gt;:</b> Defines the text's name. Used for latermanipulationinJavaScript.<br>     <b>&lt;data&gt;</b>: Defines what the text says.<br>     <b>&lt;hOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset thetexthorizontallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner. Affected by the &lt;alignment&gt; tag.<br>     <b>&lt;vOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset thetextverticallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner. Uses the text's baseline for offset as opposed to the top edge.<br>     <b>&lt;alignment&gt;</b>: Values of "left", "center", and "right" areusedhereto define where the text draws<br> from.<br>     <b>&lt;color&gt;</b>: Defines the color of the text in ahexadecimalvalue(examples: #000000 is black,<br> #8000FF is violet, #FFFFFF is white).<br>     <b>&lt;font&gt;</b>: Defines the font used in the text.<br>     <b>&lt;size&gt;</b>: The font size in point units.<br>     <b>&lt;opacity&gt;</b>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines the opacity ofthetext. Percentile values can<br> also be used.<br>     <b>&lt;onMouseDown&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens the mouse buttonispressed on the text<br> object.<br>     <b>&lt;onMouseUp&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens the mouse buttonisreleased on the text object.<br> This is favored over the onMouseDown action.<br>   <b>&lt;textarea&gt;</b>: Allows use of text input in a Widget.<br>     <b>&lt;name&gt;</b>: Defines the textarea's name. Used for latermanipulationin JavaScript.<br>     <b>&lt;hOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset theinputhorizontally from the window's top-left<br> corner. Affected by the &lt;alignment&gt; tag.<br>     <b>&lt;vOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset the inputverticallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner. Uses the text's baseline for offset as opposed to the top edge.<br>     <b>&lt;lines&gt;</b>: Used to define how many lines are displayed atatime.<br>     <b>&lt;columns&gt;</b>: Defines how wide to make the text input beforemoretext would cause the input to<br> scroll.<br>    <b>&lt;color&gt;</b>: Defines the color of the text in a hexadecimalvalue(examples: #000000 is black,<br> #8000FF is violet, #FFFFFF is white).<br>     <b>&lt;font&gt;</b>: Defines the font used in the input.<br>     <b>&lt;bgColor&gt;</b>: Defines the color of the input background inahexadecimal value (examples:<br> #000000 is black, #8000ff is violet, #ffffff is white).<br>     <b>&lt;bgopacity&gt;</b>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines the opacityofthe input background.<br> Percentile values can also be used.<br>     <b>&lt;onKeyPress&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens each time a keyispressed.<br>   <b>&lt;action trigger="(Some event here)"&gt;</b>: Lets events happen whentheWidget is first loaded, when it<br> is focused, after the computer is awaken from sleep, when its preferencesarechanged, and more.<br> Can be used multiple times for different events!<br>   <b>&lt;about-box&gt;</b>: Works like the &lt;src&gt; tag in an image object,butfor an about box. Use multiple to have<br> multiple about boxes.<br> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <u>Examine "The Weather.kon" in your text editor and look at the differenttagsused to<br> get an idea of what kinds of objects are immediately available for use whenyouwrite<br> a Widget. When you are done, close "The Weather.kon".<br> <br></u>There are many, many more tags than are listed here! Please checktheKonfabulator Reference<br> Manual for other objects, attributes, and action triggers if you want tofindout more of what a Widget<br> can display and do.<u><br></u>
<b>&lt;?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="{ .konファイルのエンコーディング }"?&gt;</b><br> XML宣言では、どのようなXMLおよびエンコーディングを使用しているのかをパーサに通知します。<br> <span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">:XMLdeclaration which tells theparserwhat</span><br> <span style="color: rgb(51, 204, 0);">kind of XML and encoding itisreading.</span><br> <hr size="2" width="100%">  <b>&lt;widget&gt;</b>: Widgetコードを開始する必須タグ<br>   <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Mandatory tag which starts theWidgetcode.</span><br>  <b>&lt;debug&gt;</b>:デバッグウィンドウのon/offを切り替える<br>    <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Turns the debug window on andoff,as well as givingoptionsfor how and when the debug is displayed.</span><br> <span style="font-weight: bold;"> </span><b>&lt;version&gt;</b>: Widgetのバージョン<br>   <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the version oftheWidget.</span><br> <span style= "font-weight: bold;"> </span><b>&lt;minimumVersion&gt;</b>Widgetが使用可能なエンジンのバージョン<br>   : <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the version ofKonfabulatorthat theWidgetrequires to be able to run.</span><br> <hr size="2" width="100%">  <b>&lt;window&gt;</b>Widgetのサイズを決める必須のタグ。Windowの外側は一切表示されない。<br> : <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Mandatory tag which defines how largetodraw theWidget.Anything outside the window</span><br style= "color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">bounds will be cut off.</span><br>     <b>&lt;name&gt;</b>:Windowの名前を定義する。これは後でJavascripが処理するときに使います。<span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Definesthewindow's name. Used for later manipulationinJavaScript.</span><br>     <b>&lt;title&gt;</b>:Windowのタイトルを定義します。右クリックしたときなどのWidgetの名前としても使用されます。<br> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the window's title.Usedincontrol/right-clickfor displaying the Widget's name</span><br style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">to the user (About &lt;title&gt;) andinother areas.</span><br>     <b>&lt;height&gt;</b>Windowの高さをピクセル数で指定します。<br>     <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">: Defines the window'sheightin pixels.</span><br>     <b>&lt;width&gt;</b>:Windowの幅をピクセル数で指定します。<br>     <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">Defines the window's widthinpixels.</span><br>     <b>&lt;visible&gt;</b>:Widgetの可視・不可視をboolean値(0/1ortrue/false)で記述します。これは、あるデータを取得したりユーザが操作する前に何らかの処理を組み込む場合に有効です。<br> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">A boolean value (1 or 0, true or falsecanbe used in substitute) which defines whether the Widget can be seenornot.</span><br style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);"> <span style="color: rgb(0, 153, 0);">This is useful if you need tofetchsomedataor run a couple of short processes before displaying the Widgetto theuser.</span><br> <hr size="2" width="100%">   <b>&lt;image&gt;</b>: Allows use of images in a Widget.<br>     <b>&lt;name&gt;</b>: Defines the image's name. Used forlatermanipulationinJavaScript.<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">    </span><b>&lt;hOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offsettheimagehorizontallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner.<br>     <b>&lt;vOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offsettheimageverticallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner.<br> <span style= "font-weight: bold;">    </span><b>&lt;hRegistrationPoint&gt;</b>: Defines the X-pixel coordinatefromwhichtobase things like offset and<br> rotation. This is set to 0 by default (The left side of the image).<br>     <b>&lt;vRegistrationPoint&gt;</b>: Defines the Y-pixel coordinatefromwhichtobase things like offset and<br> rotation. This is set to 0 by default (The top edge of the image).<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">    </span><b>&lt;rotation&gt;:</b> Defines how far to rotate an image indegrees.<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">    </span><b>&lt;opacity&gt;</b>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines theopacityoftheimage. Percentile values can<br> also be used.<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">    </span><b>&lt;onMouseDown&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens themousebuttonispressed on the image<br> object.<br>     <b>&lt;onMouseUp&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens themousebuttonisreleased on the image<br> object. This is favored over the onMouseDown action.<br> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <span style="font-weight: bold;">  </span><b>&lt;text&gt;</b>: Allows use of text in a Widget.<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;">    </span><b>&lt;name&gt;:</b> Defines the text's name. Used forlatermanipulationinJavaScript.<br>     <b>&lt;data&gt;</b>: Defines what the text says.<br> <b>    &lt;hOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offsetthetexthorizontallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner. Affected by the &lt;alignment&gt; tag.<br> <b>    &lt;vOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offsetthetextverticallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner. Uses the text's baseline for offset as opposed to the top edge.<br> <b>    &lt;alignment&gt;</b>: Values of "left", "center", and "right"areusedhereto define where the text draws<br> from.<br> <b>    &lt;color&gt;</b>: Defines the color of the text inahexadecimalvalue(examples: #000000 is black,<br> #8000FF is violet, #FFFFFF is white).<br>     <b>&lt;font&gt;</b>: Defines the font used in the text.<br> <b>    &lt;size&gt;</b>: The font size in point units.<br>     <b>&lt;opacity&gt;</b>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines the opacityofthetext. Percentile values can<br> also be used.<br> <b>    &lt;onMouseDown&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens the mousebuttonispressed on the text<br> object.<br> <b>    &lt;onMouseUp&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens the mousebuttonisreleased on the text object.<br> This is favored over the onMouseDown action.<br> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <b>  </b><b>&lt;textarea&gt;</b>: Allows use of text input in a Widget.<br> <b>    &lt;name&gt;</b>: Defines the textarea's name. Used forlatermanipulationin JavaScript.<br> <b>    &lt;hOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offsettheinputhorizontally from the window's top-left<br> corner. Affected by the &lt;alignment&gt; tag.<br> <b>    &lt;vOffset&gt;</b>: Defines how many pixels to offset theinputverticallyfrom the window's top-left<br> corner. Uses the text's baseline for offset as opposed to the top edge.<br> <b>    &lt;lines&gt;</b>: Used to define how many lines are displayedatatime.<br>     <b>&lt;columns&gt;</b>: Defines how wide to make the text inputbeforemoretext would cause the input to<br> scroll.<br> <b>    &lt;color&gt;</b>: Defines the color of the text in ahexadecimalvalue(examples: #000000 is black,<br> #8000FF is violet, #FFFFFF is white).<br> <b>    &lt;font&gt;</b>: Defines the font used in the input.<br> <b>    &lt;bgColor&gt;</b>: Defines the color of the input backgroundinahexadecimal value (examples:<br> #000000 is black, #8000ff is violet, #ffffff is white).<br> <b>    &lt;bgopacity&gt;</b>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines theopacityofthe input background.<br> Percentile values can also be used.<br> <b>    &lt;onKeyPress&gt;</b>: Used to define what happens each time akeyispressed.<br> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <b>  </b><b>&lt;action trigger="(Some event here)"&gt;</b>: Lets events happenwhentheWidget is first loaded, when it<br> is focused, after the computer is awaken from sleep, when itspreferencesarechanged, and more.<br> Can be used multiple times for different events!<br> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <b>  &lt;about-box&gt;</b>: Works like the &lt;src&gt; tag in an imageobject,butfor an about box. Use multiple to have<br> multiple about boxes.<br> <hr size="2" width="100%"> <u>Examine "The Weather.kon" in your text editor and look at thedifferenttagsused to<br> get an idea of what kinds of objects are immediately available for usewhenyouwrite<br> a Widget. When you are done, close "The Weather.kon".<br> <br></u>There are many, many more tags than are listed here! PleasechecktheKonfabulator Reference<br> Manual for other objects, attributes, and action triggers if you want tofindoutmore of what a Widget<br> can display and do.<u><br></u>

