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だれでも歓迎! 編集
<?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="{ .konファイルのエンコーディング }"?>
:XMLdeclaration which tells theparserwhat
kind of XML and encoding itisreading.

 <widget>: Widgetコードを開始する必須タグ
  Mandatory tag which starts theWidgetcode.
   Turns the debug window on andoff,as well as givingoptionsfor how and when the debug is displayed.
 <version>: Widgetのバージョン
  Defines the version oftheWidget.
  : Defines the version ofKonfabulatorthat theWidgetrequires to be able to run.

: Mandatory tag which defines how largetodraw theWidget.Anything outside the window
bounds will be cut off.
    <name>:Windowの名前を定義する。これは後でJavascripが処理するときに使います。Definesthewindow's name. Used for later manipulationinJavaScript.
Defines the window's title.Usedincontrol/right-clickfor displaying the Widget's name
to the user (About <title>) andinother areas.
    : Defines the window'sheightin pixels.
    Defines the window's widthinpixels.
A boolean value (1 or 0, true or falsecanbe used in substitute) which defines whether the Widget can be seenornot.
This is useful if you need tofetchsomedataor run a couple of short processes before displaying the Widgetto theuser.

  <image>: Allows use of images in a Widget.
    <name>: Defines the image's name. Used forlatermanipulationinJavaScript.
    <hOffset>: Defines how many pixels to offsettheimagehorizontallyfrom the window's top-left
    <vOffset>: Defines how many pixels to offsettheimageverticallyfrom the window's top-left
    <hRegistrationPoint>: Defines the X-pixel coordinatefromwhichtobase things like offset and
rotation. This is set to 0 by default (The left side of the image).
    <vRegistrationPoint>: Defines the Y-pixel coordinatefromwhichtobase things like offset and
rotation. This is set to 0 by default (The top edge of the image).
    <rotation>: Defines how far to rotate an image indegrees.
    <opacity>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines theopacityoftheimage. Percentile values can
also be used.
    <onMouseDown>: Used to define what happens themousebuttonispressed on the image
    <onMouseUp>: Used to define what happens themousebuttonisreleased on the image
object. This is favored over the onMouseDown action.

  <text>: Allows use of text in a Widget.
    <name>: Defines the text's name. Used forlatermanipulationinJavaScript.
    <data>: Defines what the text says.
    <hOffset>: Defines how many pixels to offsetthetexthorizontallyfrom the window's top-left
corner. Affected by the <alignment> tag.
    <vOffset>: Defines how many pixels to offsetthetextverticallyfrom the window's top-left
corner. Uses the text's baseline for offset as opposed to the top edge.
    <alignment>: Values of "left", "center", and "right"areusedhereto define where the text draws
    <color>: Defines the color of the text inahexadecimalvalue(examples: #000000 is black,
#8000FF is violet, #FFFFFF is white).
    <font>: Defines the font used in the text.
    <size>: The font size in point units.
    <opacity>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines the opacityofthetext. Percentile values can
also be used.
    <onMouseDown>: Used to define what happens the mousebuttonispressed on the text
    <onMouseUp>: Used to define what happens the mousebuttonisreleased on the text object.
This is favored over the onMouseDown action.

  <textarea>: Allows use of text input in a Widget.
    <name>: Defines the textarea's name. Used forlatermanipulationin JavaScript.
    <hOffset>: Defines how many pixels to offsettheinputhorizontally from the window's top-left
corner. Affected by the <alignment> tag.
    <vOffset>: Defines how many pixels to offset theinputverticallyfrom the window's top-left
corner. Uses the text's baseline for offset as opposed to the top edge.
    <lines>: Used to define how many lines are displayedatatime.
    <columns>: Defines how wide to make the text inputbeforemoretext would cause the input to
    <color>: Defines the color of the text in ahexadecimalvalue(examples: #000000 is black,
#8000FF is violet, #FFFFFF is white).
    <font>: Defines the font used in the input.
    <bgColor>: Defines the color of the input backgroundinahexadecimal value (examples:
#000000 is black, #8000ff is violet, #ffffff is white).
    <bgopacity>: A value from 0 to 255 which defines theopacityofthe input background.
Percentile values can also be used.
    <onKeyPress>: Used to define what happens each time akeyispressed.

  <action trigger="(Some event here)">: Lets events happenwhentheWidget is first loaded, when it
is focused, after the computer is awaken from sleep, when itspreferencesarechanged, and more.
Can be used multiple times for different events!

  <about-box>: Works like the <src> tag in an imageobject,butfor an about box. Use multiple to have
multiple about boxes.

Examine "The Weather.kon" in your text editor and look at thedifferenttagsused to
get an idea of what kinds of objects are immediately available for usewhenyouwrite
a Widget. When you are done, close "The Weather.kon".

There are many, many more tags than are listed here! PleasechecktheKonfabulator Reference
Manual for other objects, attributes, and action triggers if you want tofindoutmore of what a Widget
can display and do.


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