

Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company. We appreciate the opportunity to respond.

The Coca-Cola Company joins others in expressing deep concern for the situation on the ground in Tibet. We know that all parties involved hope for a peaceful resolution.

While it would be an inappropriate role for sponsors to comment on the political situation of individual nations, as the longest-standing sponsor of the Olympic Movement, we firmly believe that the Olympics are a force for good. Since 1928, we have supported the Olympic Games wherever they’ve been held, and have witnessed first-hand the cultural, economic, and social benefits they bring to the host city and country.

We remain committed to supporting the Torch Relay, which provides a unique opportunity to share the Olympic values of unity, pride, and inspiration with people all over the world.

As always, feel free to contact us again to share comments or concerns in the future.





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Mail: c-ohara@mb1.nissinfoods.co.jp
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Thank you for your email. We respect your point of view on this issue.

Visa has been a proud sponsor of the Olympic Games and the Paralympics for 22 years. We believe that the Olympic spirit and the Olympic Games are unique in its ability to bring people, communities and nations together peacefully to compete in sport and encourage dialogue and better understanding. And, we believe the values of the Olympic Games – excellence, respect and leadership– are also values we share.

Corporate sponsors, such as Visa, provide essential support to the teams and athletes who compete in the Olympic Games. Our contributions are critical to the ability of athletes from around the world to train, prepare for, and compete. In fact, fully 85 percent of the roughly 200 participating countries could not send athletes to compete in the Games without the sponsors’ support. This support ensures the overall viability of the Games. Without it, there would be no Olympic Games as we know them.

The issue you raise is important and Visa hopes that it can be resolved peacefully and quickly. As an Olympic sponsor, we continue to share the concerns of our cardholders with the International Olympic Committee and we believe a resolution only can be achieved through diplomatic channels and not through the Olympic Games. Due to the complexity of these matters, we feel that they are best handled by sovereign governments and organizations like the United Nations.

Visa is committed to making a positive difference in the world. Our corporate commitment is driven by our concern for the economic and social well-being of all people. Throughout our history, we have demonstrated our commitment through our products and our actions. We believe that the extension of our products and our efforts to the financially underserved helps individuals and the economic health and vitality of communities and countries. In addition, we also provide financial donations to global humanitarian aid organizations to bring relief to those suffering around the world.

Thank you for your correspondence.



Thank you for taking the time to contact McDonald's regarding the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing.

McDonald's is proud of our long-time sponsorship of the Olympic Games. We believe in the spirit of the Games and their unique ability to engage the world in a way that is constructive, positive and inspirational. Our focus has been and will continue to be on supporting the athletes, their teams, and the power of the Olympic Games to reinforce excellence, unity and achievement among people the world over.

Concerning political issues, these need to be resolved by governments and international bodies such as the United Nations where they can most effectively drive discussions, diplomacy and help speed solutions.

With regard to Tibet, our focus continues to remain on the Games and the athletes. We hope that a peaceful resolution can be reached for all parties concerned.

Again, thank you for sharing your feedback with McDonald's.

McDonald's Customer Response Center










1 チベット地区の逮捕、処刑、拘束、破壊の中止と現状維持
2 国外の調査員と報道陣の現地入りの許可と、活動を妨害しない事
3 ダライラマ側と条件をつけずに対話にのぞみ、定期的な話し合いを持つ事


市民のための五輪 世界中の惑わされない市民達


Statement to sponsor

To Coca cola (or Samsung)

This is a public statement for a call for total refusal of all products of the Official Olympic Sponsor .

We write to you concerning the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

We believe that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games's host country China , is simply unfit to to be the host of such an international event .

We can no longer comprehend how the Olympic committee and it's official sponsors can continue to justify this event when so many lives have already suffered as a direct result of this event.
Therefore, we are calling for world consumers to join us to protest all products of the Olympic sponsors to be boycotted until the each corporation makes sufficient action and deliver our voices to IOC and the Beijing.
We urge the Olympic Committee and the official sponsors of the event to listen, to negotiate and to take some kind of IMMEDIATE action in order to avoid being publicly complicit in the humanitarian disaster that is likely to unfold in Tibet when the torch passes through in May (Everest) and June.
IOC has so far failed to act to prevent China taking the torch through Tibet, so it is now urgent that we are calling for the sponsors such as yours to use your influence as a key Olympic Sponsor to avert disaster.

It is written in the Olympic Charter established by Pierre de Coubertin that the goal of the Olympic Movement is “…to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play”.

The details of our protest are follows;

We will publicly announce to all the supporters to join the movement of only purchase products from the rival corporation of the official sponsors .
Companies such as Coca Cola and Samsung will be receiving a photo or the receipts to prove that we are doing so, together with a message to you and IOC.We demand some sort of official action taken from you or the IOC before the 19th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre on 4th June.
Failure to so ,We will be committed to keep this movement until the next Olympic opening ceremony in London 4 years from now on.
As you delay longer to take sufficient action, the movement will grow bigger.
We strongly believe that it is your responsibility to ensure that the event of Olympics is conducted by the host country as the Olympic charter states and IOC must excesses it's right to defend the meaning of the Olympic charter.

The supporters of this movement requests;

1; Immediately end the brutal killings, release all arrested and imprisoned, medical assistance to the injured, allow free movement of people and provide access to daily needs in the whole of Tibet. This must include urgently to remove Tibet from the Torch Relay to prevent a further humanitarian disaster.

2 ; Immediately allow free press to cover the whole of Tibet

3; Facilitate a unconditional talk between the China and the representatives of the Dalai lama with a adequate immediate from third party involved.

Although It has been reported that the Chinese officials will hold talks with the Dalai Lama's representatives on 25th April,The Dalai Lama's spokesman, Tenzin Takla, told the BBC he had received no official notification from the Chinese government of its desire to meet yet. And the Chinese official was also quoted to add that the Dalai Lama would need to "take credible moves to stop activities aimed at splitting China".
We see this report of china can be a gesture to calm down the recent world outcry on humanitarian issues as well as the china's own patriotic movement worldwide prior to the Olympic opening.
Therefore , this must be on the agenda and monitored by official world bodies.

Failure to do so, provoking inevitable further bloodshed in Tibet which establish direct linkage between the Olympic Torch, the IOC and the Olympic Torch Relay sponsors.
Such a scenario would do untold harm to your brand and reputation.
We believe, therefore, that for both ethical and commercial reasons, you must bring its undoubted influence to bear upon the IOC to respond.

Whether each sponsors of the Olympic acted with corporative responsibilities or not will be judges by the individual supporters themselves,therefore please make your action clearly known to the public by responding to the consumers of your products.
We sincerely hopes that your action will make us discontinue this movement and welcome the day to allow us to purchase the products of the sponsors once again.
Please understand that we are merely your enemies, rather a potential customers of yours as well as a true believers of the meaning of the Olympic charter.

The statement below was sent also to all directors of IOC.

To IOC (and your country's National Olympic Committee )
This is a public statement for a call for total refusal of all products of the Official Olympic Sponsor's .

We write to you concerning the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

We believe that the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games's host country China , is simply unfit to to be the host of such an international event .

We can no longer comprehend how the Olympic committee and it's official sponsors can continue to justify this event when so many lives have already suffered as a direct result of the event in Tibet , Durfour and other ethinic minorityies in tibet autonomuse region.
We urge the Olympic Committee and the official sponsors of the event to listen, to negotiate and to take some kind of IMMEDIATE action in order to avoid being publicly complicit in the humanitarian disaster that is likely to unfold in Tibet when the torch passes through in May (Everest) and June. IOC has so far failed to act to prevent China taking the torch through Tibet, so it is now urgent that we are calling for the sponsors to use their influence as a key Olympic Sponsor to avert disaster.
It is written in the Olympic Charter established by Pierre de Coubertin that the goal of the Olympic Movement is “…to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play”.

I understand that one of the Olympic sponsor BHP's president of corporate development was quoted to say that ” As one of many sponcors , we are not in a possition to arbitrate the merits of each cause, nor should we try”
on this issue in the reply to the group called Dream for Darfur.

This is totally unacceptable as the olympic charter clearly states the opposite.
We believe that wishing for world peace means changing the exsisting shape of the world.

Therefore, we are calling for world consumers to join us to protest all products of the Olympic sponsors to be boycotted until the each corporation makes sufficient action and deliver our voices to you and the Beijing.

The details of our protest are follows;

We will publicly announce to all the supporters to join the movement of only purchase products from the rival corporation of the official sponsors .
Companies such as Coca Cola and Samsung will be receiving a photo or the receipts to prove that we are doing so, together with a message to the sponsors and IOC.
We demand some sort of official action taken from IOC before the 19th anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre on 4th June.
Failure to so ,we wil be committed to keep this movement until the next olympic opening ceremony in London 4 years from now on.
As you delay longer to take sufficient action, the movement will grow bigger.
We strongly believe that it is your responsibility to ensure that the event of Olympics is conducted by the host country as the Olympic charter states and IOC must excesses it's right to defend the meaning of the Olympic charter.

IOC must demand followings to China ;

1; Immediately end the brutal killings, release all arrested and imprisoned, medical assistance to the injured, allow free movement of people and provide access to daily needs in the whole of Tibet. This must include urgently to remove Tibet from the Torch Relay to prevent a further humanitarian disaster.

2 ; Immediately allow free press to cover the whole of Tibet

3; Facilitate a unconditional talk between the China and the representatives of the Dalai lama with a adequate immediater from third party involved.

Althrouh It has been reported that the Chinese officials will hold talks with the Dalai Lama's representatives on 25th April,The Dalai Lama's spokesman, Tenzin Takla, told the BBC he had received no official notification from the Chinese government of its desire to meet yet. And the Chinese official was also quoted to add that the Dalai Lama would need to "take credible moves to stop activities aimed at splitting China".
We see this report of china can be a gesture to calm down the recent world outcry on humanitalian issues as well as the china's own patriotic movement worldwide prior to the Olympic opening.
Therefore , this must be on the agenda and monitored by official world bodies.

We sincerely hopes that your action will make us discontinue this movement and welcome the day to allow us to purchase the products of the sponsors once agaian.
Please understand that we are marely your enemies, rather a potential costomers of those brands as well as true believers of the meaning of the Olympic charter.


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