Free Tibet from Japan

EnglishTop LatestNewsFromJapan UrgentCampaign TheImportantData

Campaign for a Tibet/China talk at the forthcoming G8 summit at Lake Toya in Hokkaido, Japan.


Has your boycott been getting a result?

=>A Boycott that's worth it.

News related to the visit to Japan of Hu Jintao was added.

Tibetan Buddhism - Modernity which values a dialogue

The message for Tibetan people from the abbot of Zenkouji temple Nagano.
(The report of the torch relay in Japan was added.)

We are working on "Operation Civil Olympics". new

Overview of the event is from 2ch BBS.

Japanese press restraints under the pressure by Chinese authorities new

Leading Chinese Intellectuals Ask China to Rethink Tibet Policy new

Representative "zali"


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最終更新:2008年05月22日 13:21