Lusty lady takes quartet of boy toys for a spin

The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
※ この和訳はあくまでもボランティアの方々による一例であり、翻訳の正確さについては各自判断してください。

"Lusty Lady Takes Quartet Of Boy Toys For A Spin"


Japan-It is a well known fact that "Dutch Wives"-- the Japanese term for silicone females used as sex substitutes -- sell by the thousands in Japan. Some deluxe models even go for several hundred thousand yen.

What is less known, reports Uramono Japan (June), is that a counterparts of these dolls, equipped with male appendages, are available for women. And the magazine is eager to become the first to break the news about the existence of these toy boys, in an article entitled "Josei-yo dattchi dooru wa watashi wo mitashite kurureru kashira" (I wonder if a female-use Dutch doll can satisfy me).

The story is reported by Chifumi Konno, a 22-year-old woman employed by a "delivery health" (outcall sex service) company. Being experienced in matters sexual, Ms. Konno is certainly no blushing violet when it comes to telling Uramono Japan's readers about her encounters with these new inflatable goodies.
その話は「デリバリーヘルス」(出張セックスサービス)の会社で働く22歳の女性、コンノ チフミによる報道だ。性的事項の経験があるためか、コンノさんは、裏モノJAPANの読者に、彼女のこれら新しい空気注入型の楽しいものとの出会いを話すことに何のためらいもない。

The first of konno's four "boyfriends" is named "masaki." Although youthful, the expression painted on his rubber face, Konno writes, didn't look happy at all -- but more like he's about to start sobbing any second. When blown up, Masaki's procreative member points to noon. And, the reviewer notes, he's equipped with an anal aperture on his reverse portal, but that's more likely to be provided for gays than gals.

Although bathing together in a love hotel's spacious tub is generally a prerequisite for cavorting atop the bed, Ms.Konno found to her frustration that no amount of force could immerse the inflatable "Masaki" below the water's surface.

And once in bed, his foreplay technique proved nonexistent.

Then, assuming the missionary position, the moment of truth arrived. "I coated his pecker with lotion and used a hand to slip him into me," she relates. "He was...big. but on top of me nothing happened."

Based on the way his limbs bent, 'Masaki' seemed to be better configured for sex in the seated position. "But when his dick got all the way in, it hurt. And no amount of rubbing him was able to get me aroused," Konno grimaces.

Next u to bat was "Yuji." Blessed with a moustache, heavy eyebrows and a scowling visage that resembles the face of writer Chuzo Wada, he was produced by the same company as Masaki and sold for the same price (not mentioned in the article). But as masculine and vigorous as he appears, Yuji just lies there. So once again Konno was forced to take the initiative.
次の打者に立つのは、「ユウジ」だ。口ひげを持ち合わせていて、眉が濃く、、そしてしかめ面した顔立ちはマサキと同じ会社から作られた同じ値段の(その記事には述べられてないが)作家ワダ チュウゾウの顔のようである。男っぽく力強く見えるにも関わらず、ユウジはただそこに横たわるだけた。なのでコンノは再び主導権を取らざるを得なかった。

Then she tries to do it "doggy style," but finds being mounted from behind to be consummately awkward. And wiggling her backside to encourage a friendly thrust or two gets no response. With Yuji, it seems, she can't get no satisfaction either.

Next on the list was "John," a Western import featuring three-dimensional facial features (i.e., a big nose), hairy cheast and bushy moustache. And John's, er, equipment was also proportionally larger than his Japanese rivals. Indeed, during her stint as a sex industry worker, Ms. Konno had never encountered such a huge tallywhacker, and wasn'g the least bit interested in being impaled upon it. So that was that.

Last but not least was "Ken Ijuin," a high-tech "Dutch husband" made of semi-solid material. And so realistic, writes Konno, "He was like a corpse. Gave me the creeps at first."
最後だが決して侮れないのが、「ケン イジュウイン」、半固体状の素材で出来たハイテクの「ダッチハズバンド」だった。とてもリアルなので「彼は死体みたいだった。最初は気持ち悪かった」とコンノは書いている。

Ken's male root was bigger than John's, but the angle of his dangle was lower -- "about what you'd expect from a 60-year-old man," Konno sniffs -- and his rubbery, chemical body odor, which a bath did nothing to alleviate, was a big turnoff.

Ms. Konno was able to accommodate about half of ken's shaft without undue discomfort, and said it was actually starting to feel like the real thing; but compared with a human partner the difference was still "undei no za" (as different as the clouds and mud), as they say in Japanese.

"About all he (Ken) might be good for is one of those full-body pillows to sleep with," Konno pronounces.

To cap the story, Konno accompanies the four to a public park where cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and arranges them around a picnic table to pose for a commemorative photo.

"The girls who saw them said they thought 'John' was the cutest," she winks. "Well that just goes to show, until you've actually made it with one, you never can tell who's the best."
(By Masuo Kamiyama, contributing writer)
May7, 2006
(寄稿作家 カミヤマ マスオ)


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