Viagra comes up short amongst nation's nurses

The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
※ この和訳はあくまでもボランティアの方々による一例であり、翻訳の正確さについては各自判断してください。

"Viagra comes up short amongst nation's nurses"



Female nurses in Japan have stiffened their resolve and taken a hard line over the prospect of their male partners using the anti-impotency wonderdrug Viagra during sex, according to Asahi Geino (7/11), citing the results of a recent in-depth probe.
A whopping 72 percent of the nurses polled for their thoughts on the little blue pill said they were at least turned off by the idea of having their man stoke up before he stuck up.

And overall impressions of the wonderdrug were generally negative among the 150 female nurses or medical administrators who took part in the Japan Sexual Function Society survey, with 26 percent feeling that drugs shouldn't be used as sex aids, another quarter of respondents finding Viagra "creepy," 14 percent opposed to its excessive price and 13 percent seeing it as dangerous.
また、the Japan Sexual Function Society*2が150人の女性看護師または医療管理者を対象に行なった調査によると、驚異の薬に対する全般的な印象は否定的でした。

"With women in the medical profession having these sorts of feelings about a pharmaceutical designed to combat male erectile dysfunction, I'm worried that average women will be even more misunderstood," urologist Hirotaka Horita tells Asahi Geino.

The men's weekly notes that Viagra has been blamed for the occasional death, but adds that it could hardly be fairly labeled as dangerous.
Spin-doctors from Pfizer, the company that lifted many men's hearts when it launched the drug onto the world market, are quick to back up the assumption.

"Reports about deaths among Viagra users have come about because our company clearly reports on the dangers lurking around use of the drug," a company spokesman tells Asahi Geino.
"If a drunken driver dies after he's taken Viagra, we count it as a Viagra death and it becomes a news story.
Viagra is a pharmaceutical that performs the same sort of role that eyeglasses do.
Just as simply wearing eyeglasses allows somebody to see but doesn't improve their eyesight, those with erectile dysfunction need Viagra."

What, Asahi Geino asks, about nurses' professional knowledge of pharmaceuticals?
Wouldn't that make them more aware of any threats lurking around Viagra?
Is this professional awareness behind their loathing for the drug?
Apparently not, according to sexologist Kim Myung Gan.
セクソロジスト*3のKim Myung Ganによると、おそらく違うという。

"It's not just with nurses, but women in general have a tendency to equate erections as being a sign of their partner's love.
It's not that impotent men don't love the women they're with, they simply can't get it up.
Or, it could be that women simply feel abhorred by the sight of an erection," Kim tells Asahi Geino.
"A penis helps a man feel good and to relax.
It's important for guys that their penis rises to the occasion.
There's nothing wrong with using a drug to help it become erect.
I've got a feeling that not many women are prepared to accept that."



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最終更新:2009年06月07日 00:29


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*1 バイアグラのこと

*2 直訳すれば「日本性機能学会」だが、「日本性機能学会」の正式名称は「The Japanese Society for Sexual Medicine」だそうです。英語原文が誤訳か?

*3 造語か?セックス専門家?