
The story below is originally published on Mainichi Daily News by Mainichi Shinbun (http://mdn.mainichi.jp).
They admitted inventing its kinky features, or rather deliberately mistranslating them from the original gossip magazine.
In fact, this is far from the general Japanese' behavior or sense of worth.
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Young studs riding their rods all the way to the bank



暴走する「援助交際」世界を覗く  1998,12,13
Young studs riding their rods all the way to the bank
Spa! 12/16   By Ryann Connell
SPA! 12/16    ライアン・コネル記
Enjo kosai, a euphemism for prostitution that literally translates as compen-sated dating, shook the nation's foundations for much of last year.
Perhaps the most shocking aspect of enjo kosai was that it was carried out by high school girls who would charge older men a few thousand yen for a good time.
Then, local governments started to crackdown on the practice, bolstering previously toothless anti-prostitution ordinances to put enjo kosai clients behind bars and perpetrators back into classrooms.
The hard-line measures appeared to have worked, at least as far as high school girls are concerned. But it seems, accord-ing to Spa!, while police and authorities kept an eye on girls to stop them from getting involved in enjo kosai, high school boys have managed to escape the same fate.
“My clients are from their 20s to their 50s. Most of them work in the adult entertainment industry, but I've also had plenty of“office ladies”and housewives. If they're older than my mom, it feels a little strange, but I figure that getting paid for having sex is only something you can do a lot of while you're young, so I don't worry too much,”says Kazuhiro Konda, an 18-year-old boy paying his way through school engaging in enjo kosai.
Shingo Obatake,a 19-year-old student,agrees with Konda that enjo kosai for guys is the way to overcome the lack of cash available to most boys their age.
“I only do it for the money. I got 100,000 yen one night just for feeling up a naked body. It was a guy's body, but as long as there's no sex involved with men, who cares. My first aim is to make money,”he says.
“Young women, old women, young men, old men. Who it is doesn't really matter to me as long as they're prepared to line my pockets.”
Yayoi Kajikawa, a 32-year-old housewife tells Spa! she has taken advantage of services offered by people such as Obatake.
And, she'll do so again.
Especially as the burdens of a husband who is 15 years older and the demands of raising their 4-year-old daughter have reduced their sex life to the stuff of memories.
“I met my high school boy at a family restaurant one day and fell in love with him at first sight. I went over to him and promised I'd pay him if he went out on a date with me. He agreed, so we met for dinner a couple of days later. We didn't have too much in common and the meal was a bit of a failure, but when I suggested we go to a hotel for double the price I'd offered for the date, he was all for it,”Kajikawa says.
“After that, it became a habit. I pay him 50,000 yen a week, for which he must go out with me at least once. He's still young, too, so he can get it up at least twice an hour. Until I met him, I didn't know how good it felt to licked all over my entire body.”(RC)




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