
These are the reproduction of articles originally published on Mainichi Daily News' "WaiWai" section. Almost all of the articles were nothing but trumped-up stories.
Please DO NOT believe them!
Were these stories real? No Japanese readers would believe them.
Some immoral writers made up the story, taking from dubious "news" from tabloids and gossip magazines.
However, some readers unfortunately believed the articles.
There's no wonder--these stories were published by the Mainichi Newspapers, one of the Japanese major "quality" papers.
The writers and Mainichi seem to understand very well that fiction is stronger than reality
--at least for readers with little experience with Japan.
Don't believe Mainichi, never!
PLEASE WATCH MOVIE BELOW, it helps you to understand background of these problem.

番号 掲載年月日 表題(英語) 引用雑誌名 引用雑誌号数 表題(日本語) 署名(イニシャル)
1 19960107 A different New Year(From Yamaguchi to Asahara, Dr Nomoto to dog-lovers Sekine, prison life has taken its toll. Shukan Asahi shows another side of the shogatsu break. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
2 19960107 Aesthetic salons finding cash easier to trim than fat Shukan Bunshun 1/4-11 「エステで痩せる」のウソ NW(Nathan Wetby)
3 19960107 Japan's first lady remains out of the public eye Shukan Shincho 1/4-11 姿を見せないファースト・レディー「村山ヨシヱ」の消息 MS(Mark Schreiber)
4 19960107 Kabukicho: Varied enough to whet anyone's appetite Spa! 12/27 ボーダレスな欲望が結集する混沌こそが歌舞伎町の魅力! GB(Geoff Botting)
5 19960107 Big Brother is watching you! And your car Bart 1/1-8 激増するNシステムの恐怖 MS(Mark Schreiber)
6 19960114 Picking up the pieces(A year ago this week, the Great Hanshin Earthquake reduced Kobe to rubble. Friday tells the story of those who escaped the worst of the disaster and how the' re coping now. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
7 19960114 The thrill of inflicting pain on yourself for pleasure Spa! 1/17 苦行ジャンキー急増中 NW(Nathan Wetby)
8 19960114 Job-hunting students turning to South Korean companies Shukan Hoseki 1/18 韓国企業の「広き門」の内側を拝見 TI(Takeshi Ito)
9 19960114 What's all this crap about Japanese living to work? Aera 1/15 働くのは週2日で充分だ TI(Takeshi Ito)
10 19960114 Japan's 'X-files' chronicle spate of unearthly events Shukan Gendai 1/13-20 本当にあった怪奇事件の謎に挑む 日本版 X-ファイル MS(Mark Schreiber)
11 19960121 Monju madness(Shukan Post claims a fast-breeder reactor leak and the attempted cover-up by plant officials has cast a cloud over Japan's entire nuclear program. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
12 19960121 Would your house survive a magnitude 7 earthquake? Shukan Asahi 1/26 あなたの家は震度7に耐えられるか NW(Nathan Wetby)
13 19960121 Hospitals have their reasons for banning mobile phone Aera 1/22 携帯電話が医療機器を狂わす危険 TI(Takeshi Ito)
14 19960121 Embassy blackmailing Myanmarese into paying dubious income tax Shukan Hoseki 1/25 ミャンマー政府が日本国内で20億円徴税活動 TI(Takeshi Ito)
15 19960121 Those damn recreational vehicles and their wimpy drivers - who needs' em? Shukan Yomiuri 1/28 超過熱「RVブーム」の落し穴 MS(Mark Schreiber)
16 19960128 Equal employer? No way!(Mitsubishi Trading's plan to cut back its female office staff has left the company's reputation as a model employer in doubt, writes Shukan Asahi. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
17 19960128 Being a boss means more now than just being bossy Sunday Mainichi 2/4 こんな上司はもうゴメン! NW(Nathan Wetby)
18 19960128 Does taping your fingers really help you lose weight? Friday 2/2 「1カ月でOK」と大評判 指に巻くだけで痩せる!?"テープ・ダイエット"の効き目 TI(Takeshi Ito)
19 19960128 ‘Quick massage' a hit with stressed out young women Shukan Asahi 2/2 OLに人気の「15分マッサージ」は本当に効くの? TI(Takeshi Ito)
20 19960128 What's behind the recent cocoa-buying stampede? Shukan Ppst 2/2 主婦を店頭に走らせた「ココアで健康になる」大パニック MS(Mark Schreiber)
21 19960204 What's a nice girl like you …(Drifting through the pink sub-culture, Spa! Finds the money great, the anxieties onerous and, sometimes, the danger terrifying. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
22 19960204 NHK's 'Hideyoshi' series verging on the incredible Shukan Bunshun 2/1 「秀吉」はこんなにヘン NW(Nathan Wetby)
23 19960204 Some middle-aged men want to look beautiful, too Shukan Asahi 2/9 「オジさんだって、きれいになりたい!!」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
24 19960204 Spoilt young working women see nothing wrong in sponging off parents Panja March OLたちの新・貧富の差 TI(Takeshi Ito)
25 19960204 Utsunomiya residents in uproar over religious group's 'invasion' Shukan Gendai 2/10 幸福の科学「栃木進出」に宇都宮市民が猛反発! MK(Masuo Kamiyama)
26 19960211 The essence of Okinawa(In words and pictures, it is apparent that the "temperature" gap is narrowing. Michael Hoffman has a look.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
27 19960211 Asahi shimbun caught off guard with Imperial poem Shukan Shincho 2/15 天皇の「御製」を入選作にしちゃった朝日新聞の不覚 NW(Nathan Wetby)
28 19960211 Convenience store addicts are growing in number Spa! 2/7 コンビニが日本人を変えてゆく! TI(Takeshi Ito)
29 19960211 Radical new TV program exploits new shamelessness Shukan Asahi 2/16 「ねる様の踏み絵」ヒンシュク度 TI(Takeshi Ito)
30 19960211 Sexy red 'codfish' lips the rage for plastic surgery Shukan Jitsuwa 2/15 ピラニアが群がる整形タラコ唇 MS(Mark Schreiber)
31 19960218 Endless intercourse on the pill(Why, Shukan Yomiuri wonders, does the health ministry dive for cover when asked what's behind the pending removal of the ban on the pill? Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
32 19960218 Mutilation murders point to more psycho-killings Sunday Mainichi 2/25 激増!バラバラ殺人「日本X-ファイル」を解く NW(Nathan Wetby)
33 19960218 More career women are giving birth in their 40s Shukan Asahi 2/23 「キャリア女は40代で産め」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
34 19960218 What's behind the booming popularity of a new classified ad magazine? Weekly Playboy 2/27 「ご連絡待ってま~す?」な人々 TI(Takeshi Ito)
35 19960218 Matchmaking service finds Caucasian men for Japanese career women Shukan Gendai 2/24 白人専門結婚紹介所にキャリア・ウーマンたちが殺到する理由 MS(Mark Schreiber)
36 19960225 Pampering parents(Fond fathers, doting mothers. Parenthood, says Spa!, makes fools of us all. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
37 19960225 Computer hackers have NIFTY-Serve on the hop Focus 2/28 「高校生ハッカー」年収1000万円 NW(Nathan Wetby)
38 19960225 Shiso, herb tea the latest remedies for hay fever Dime 3/7 「花粉症」対策最前線 TI(Takeshi Ito)
39 19960225 Pretentious kura-baka big on talk, small on action Spa! 2/28 「クラバカ」たちの過剰なる選民意識 TI(Takeshi Ito)
40 19960225 Hey men, don't get ripped off by the foreskin frauds! Aera 2/26 包茎商法に騙されるな MS(Mark Schreiber)
41 19960303 Scary Science(Michael Hoffman reviews Panja's performance of 'Science and Horror' - a frightening true story of asteroids, chemicals, germs, fish and children.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
42 19960303 School turns blind eye to beatings, sexual harassment Shukan Asahi 3/8 「体罰40発」教師がしていた教室内セクハラ NW(Nathan Wetby)
43 19960303 Got a death wish? Why not try snowboarding? Views April スノーボードが危ない TI(Takeshi Ito)
44 19960303 Lack of sexual passion characterizes salsa boom Aera 3/4 畳の上でサルサ TI(Takeshi Ito)
45 19960303 Swindler preys on gullible Japanese women in London Shukan Bunsyun 3/7 日本人美女留学生30人を食い物にしたロンドンのスケこまし HW(Hirowaki Wada)
46 19960310 Suicidal subculture(From how-to manuals, to organized meetings, Aera discovers a bizarre underground following. Michael Hoffman reports. - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
47 19960310 Protesting the fact that people no longer protest Spa! 3/13 「反対」の弱体化にハンタイ! NW(Nathan Wetby)
48 19960310 Touring the living quarters of Tokyo's 'homeless' Panja April 家なき人の憩いの家を訪問 TI(Takeshi Ito)
49 19960310 Go west young man - and don't forget your lipstick! Focus 3/6 私キレイ?大阪で変身「新幹線女装族」とは TI(Takeshi Ito)
50 19960310 Rent a rapist, bugger a corpse…it's a sick world! Shukan Post 3/15 「性犯罪本」から「痴漢マニュアル誌」まで出るSEX世紀末驚き事情 MS(Mark Schreiber)
51 19960317 The Great Club Robbery(Crime here by foreigner used to be mostly pocket-picking and petty theft. Does an Asian gang's audacious Feb.29 shakedown of a posh Ginza nightclub point to a major escalation? Mark Schreiber reports.) - - - MS(Mark Schreiber)
52 19960317 Is it safe to assume herb medicines are risk-free? Shukan Yomiuri 3/24 こんなにある〝漢方薬の副作用〟 NW(Nathan Wetby)
53 19960317 Will deregulation deal barber shops a fatal blow? Shukan Asahi 3/22 床屋さんvs.美容院の攻防「キムタク頭」をつかまえる TI(Takeshi Ito)
54 19960317 Can love potions save sex-starved couples? Da Capo 3/20 媚薬はセックスレス夫婦を救うことができるか TI(Takeshi Ito)
55 19960317 Getting married? Why not rent your guests? Aera 3/18 新郎新婦以外レンタル時代 MH(Michael Hoffman)
56 19960324 Did the sentences fit the crime?(From outrage at their harshness, to fury at their leniency, the sentences recently handed down in the rape of an Okinawan school girl, says Shukan Bunshun, drew mixed reactions. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
57 19960324 If you had surgery between 1982-87, get an AIDS test Shukan Bunshun 3/28 薬害エイズは血友病患者だけではない NW(Nathan Wetby)
58 19960324 Spa! Generation anything but foot loose and fancy free Spa! 3/20 踊らぬアホウから見た「ダンスブーム」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
59 19960324 Will wonder drug put the beauty back in your sleep? Aera 3/25 若返り薬メラトニンは本当に効くのか? TI(Takeshi Ito)
60 19960324 Look out men, Japanese Barbies pack a punch! Panja April 「暴力女」急増の謎 MS(Mark Schreiber)
61 19960331 Cute junkies(Weekly Playboy snorts that high-school girls are trading tea parties for drug parties. Michael Hoffman deals us the facts.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
62 19960331 AUM members finding it hard to blend back in with society Shukan Gendai 4/6 強制捜査から1年「第6サティアン」で暮らすオウム信者たち NW(Nathan Wetby)
63 19960331 The last sumo tournament stunk of rigged bouts Shukan Post 4/5 「まだやっている!」大阪場所腐敗力士の名 TI(Takeshi Ito)
64 19960331 How easy is it to manipulate Japanese press reporters? Views May 「新聞記者はこう扱え」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
65 19960331 Declare bankruptcy and win anew lease on life Shukan Yomiuri 4/7 「自己破産」意外にラクな生活 MS(Mark Schreiber)
66 19960407 Stone the crows!!(But watch out, they may stone you back! Aera claims the pesky birds that everyone loves to hate are as smart as primitive man. Michael Hoffman cawments.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
67 19960407 Is Dentsu really to blame for suicide of employee? Shukan Shincho 4/11 自殺するまで働かせたと「一億二千万払え」の判決で「電通」控訴の真相 NW(Nathan Wetby)
68 19960407 Die-hard users finding beepers still ring true Aera 4/8 携帯電話に負けないポケベル需要 TI(Takeshi Ito)
69 19960407 What's behind the success of music producer Komuro? Spa! 4/3 小室哲哉ブランドのからくり TI(Takeshi Ito)
70 19960407 Gucci, Chanel: Teen-age princesses' best friends Shukan Asahi 4/12 女子中高生のシャネル・グッチ ゲット作戦 NW(Nathan Wetby)
71 19960421 Water wars(Despite a pending worldwide shortage, Japan still takes its water supply for granted argues Weekly Playboy. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
72 19960421 Politics prevent Akebono from wedding sweetheart Shukan Post 4/26 「曙と相原勇」を阻む「角界政略結婚」の欲ボケ NW(Nathan Wetby)
73 19960421 Hard up for cash? Here's a few ways to strike it rich Shukan Gendai 4/27 楽して金が儲かるBIGアイデア7 NW(Nathan Wetby)
74 19960421 The extravagant lifestyles of Tokyo's indebted daughters Spa! 4/24 「借金娘」の優雅な日常 GB(Geoff Botting)
75 19960421 The scary, seamy side of life in a Chiba 'bedtown' Shukan Jitsuwa 4/25 射殺、刺殺、抗争、心中で揺らぐ新興住宅地の住民 MS(Mark Schreiber)
76 19960428 ‘Honne' history(Weekly Playboy digs into the past and discovers that archaeology is not so bad after all. Michael Hoffman explains.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
77 19960428 Are condom-makers trying too hard to rise to the occasion? Shukan Gendai 5/11 日本製コンドームでは「エイズ」も「妊娠」も防げない! HW(Hirowaki Wada)
78 19960428 TBS dupes viewers of psychic-skeptic duel Shukan Asahi 5/3 「大ウソ」超能力番組 NW(Nathan Wetby)
79 19960428 Where have the kunsho candidates gone? Sunday Mainichi 5/5 「春の叙勲」から外された大物たちのメンツ GB(Geoff Botting)
80 19960428 The sudden mutation of the Japanese species Panja May 日本人類「突然変異」の証明 MS(Mark Schreiber)
81 19960505 Rites of spring(Will baishun, or ‘selling spring' - as prostitution is referred to here - ever be the same again? Da Capo examines some of this season's trend in Japan's sex industry. Michael Hoffman explains.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
82 19960505 Paranormal research gets some academic respect Shukan Hoseki 5/16 「超能力」はハイテクで実証できる!? -
83 19960505 Schoolgirl entrepreneurs sell more than used clothes Shukan Bunsyun 5/2 女子高生の凄まじい生態 GB(Geoff Botting)
84 19960505 Two experts guess where the next Kobe will be Shukan Yomiuri 5/12-19 2権威が警告する「神戸」の次はここだ NW(Nathan Wetby)
85 19960505 ‘Too many ' coeds cause upheaval at one university Aera 5/6-13 女子学生が多すぎる東京外国語大学解体論 MS(Mark Schreiber)
86 19960512 Believe it or not(Aera is convinced that education is no umbrella against the occult shower. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
87 19960512 Hashimoto increasingly venting anger at reporters Shukan Hoseki 5/23 橋龍の官邸番記者いじめ激化! NW(Nathan Wetby)
88 19960512 Cash-strapped North Korea laundering bogus $100 bills Shukan Bunsyun 5/16 金正日が操る「スーパーK」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
89 19960512 Photo-crazy girls capture golden teens on film Spa! 5/15 撮りたがる少女たち TI(Takeshi Ito)
90 19960512 Hokkaido ladies voice woes over 'sexless' marriages Bart 5/13 妻たちが誌上で告発する セックスレスの男たちとの生活 MS(Mark Schreiber)
91 19960519 Changing Criminals(From the cold-blooded murder of 3 female supermarket clerks at Hachioji to the Matsumoto sarin attack, Panja warms Japanese criminals no longer fit old models.Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
92 19960519 Who on earth is out to sabotage Japan Railways? Shukan Asahi 5/24 JR東日本で続発する運行妨害事件の怪 MS(Mark Schreiber)
93 19960519 Pachinko addicts risk losing more than cash Shukan Yomiuri 5/26 「依存症」の恐怖 TI(Takeshi Ito)
94 19960519 Warning: If you don't make love, your body will rot! Weekly Playboy 5/28 Hしないとキミの体は壊れる! TI(Takeshi Ito)
95 19960519 Calling it quits after one year: The 'Ramen Divorce' Aera 5/20 夫が理解できないラーメン離婚 MS(Mark Schreiber)
96 19960526 Unwanted advances(While attempting to define sexual harassment, Sunday Mainichi also reminds us that the victims aren't always women.Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
97 19960526 Out-of-work female grads making it in 'Hollywood' Shukan Shincho 5/30 銀座キャバレーに就職した女子大生 NW(Nathan Wetby)
98 19960526 You too can eat like a pig and still lose weight …sorta Shukan Asahi 5/31 「ブックス・ダイエット」って何!! TI(Takeshi Ito)
99 19960526 Should presidents resign over company scandals? Spa! 5/22 社長は本当に「責任」が取れるのか? TI(Takeshi Ito)
100 19960526 Better see a doctor - STDs are spreading like wildfire! Aera 5/27 性感染症は今や国民病だ MS(Mark Schreiber)
101 19960602 Booked solid(Da Vinci offers a new defense of that endangered species, the book - don't go courting without it.Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
102 19960602 Girls, teachers and the decline of social decency Sunday Mainichi 6/9 大学教授も女子高生も「性紀末ニッポン」の風俗壊乱 NW(Nathan Wetby)
103 19960602 Going to a concert? Don't forget your laptop Spa! 5/29 謎の[プレ・アイドル]愛好者たち TI(Takeshi Ito)
104 19960602 Green thumbs sprouting among younger women Aera 6/3 緑にハマッた人たち TI(Takeshi Ito)
105 19960602 Japan's junior high-schcool students are running amok Shukan Gendai 6/8 「荒れる中学生」たちの事件簿 MS(Mark Schreiber)
106 19960616 What makes you angry?(We know, the list is endless, but Da Capo narrows it down to the actions of other people - bosses, spouses and teen-agers on trains.Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
107 19960616 Astonishing but true, Japan's not expensive! Toyo Keizai 6/15 日本の物価は高くない MS(Mark Schreiber)
108 19960616 Are manga readers fools or sophisticated intellectuals? Da Vinci July マンガ読者はバカなのか? TI(Takeshi Ito)
109 19960616 Who needs marriage & sex when there are sperm banks? Shukan Hoseki 6/20 優秀な精子に群がる独身女性の子ダネ事情 TI(Takeshi Ito)
110 19960616 Super-cool high-school 'peacocks' a breed apart Aera 6/10 男を捨てた孔雀世代 MS(Mark Schreiber)
111 19960623 Veggie assembly line(Views argues that the advent of vegetable factories is leading to high-tech malnutrition. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
112 19960623 Don't depend on airbags to save you in a crash Shukan Shincho 6/27 米国で崩れ始めたエアバッグの安全神話 MS(Mark Schreiber)
113 19960623 Reset Generation' quick to wipe the slate clean Spa! 6/19 リセット世代その奇妙なる[自信過剰] TI(Takeshi Ito)
114 19960623 Women getting a kick out of martial arts craze Aera 6/24 男を殴る快感 TI(Takeshi Ito)
115 19960623 Flasher's ubiquitous schlong leaves NHK red-faced Shukan Asahi 6/28 NHK「に流れた男のイチモツ MS(Mark Schreiber)
116 19960630 Media fascism(The 21 seeks out professors, writers, musicians and lawyers to offer ways to defeat the idiocy society imposes on the individual. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
117 19960630 Multisales schemes take aim at vulnerable young Shukan Playboy 7/9 若者を狙うニュー・マルチ商法に気をつけろ! MS(Mark Schreiber)
118 19960630 Osaka man stiffs family restaurant big time! Asahi Geino 7/4 無銭飲食オッチャンの大トラ17時間 TI(Takeshi Ito)
119 19960630 Ladies comics reflecting repressed sexual desires Shukan Gendai 7/6 激増するレイプ&SM願望症候群の女たち TI(Takeshi Ito)
120 19960630 Sexual harassment rampant on office computers Shukan Hoseki 7/4 パソコンセクハラのあきれた実態 MS(Mark Schreiber)
121 19960707 A sympathetic ear(Cosmopolitan counselors soothe the souls of a self-pitying bunch. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
122 19960707 Gangs of larcenous Iranians 'ram-raiding' Tokyo at will Shukan Asahi 7/12 首都圏を荒らす外国人窃盗団 MS(Mark Schreiber)
123 19960707 Brand-name shopping back bigger than ever Aera 7/8 転んでも買いたい超ブランドブーム TI(Takeshi Ito)
124 19960707 Keeping up with the latest high-school slang ain't easy Flash 7/16 コギャル用語の基礎知識 TI(Takeshi Ito)
125 19960707 Hookers find new condoms more than a mouthful Shukan Taisyu 7/15 フェラ専用スキン改良型が風俗店で大評判 MS(Mark Schreiber)
126 19960721 Screw the company(Aera dedicates a special issue to the millions of middle-aged 'salarymen' whose past sacrifices weigh minimally in the balance against their present expendability. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
127 19960721 Stolen Japanese tractors unearthed in Vietnam Shukan Asahi 7/19 ベトナム・ドロボー一族が狙う「畑のお宝」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
128 19960721 Stock up on instant noodles, there's a food crisis looming Shukan Asahi 7/26 タマゴや肉の暴騰説も飛び出す超食糧危機日本直撃のシナリオ MS(Mark Schreiber)
129 19960721 Marauding teens milking sauced 'salarymen' Asahi Geino 7/25 悪ガキどもの凶悪「オヤジ狩り」をブッ飛ばせ! TI(Takeshi Ito)
130 19960721 Rapist on the prowl in Tokyo's first-class hotels Shukan Jitsuwa 7/25 女性宿泊客を狙う一流ホテルのレイプ事件多発 MS(Mark Schreiber)
131 19960728 Homeless drift(Aera discovers myriad variations and gradations of class and personality among Tokyo's homeless. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
132 19960728 Authorities try to get a grip on condom-shaped balloons Weekly Playboy 8/6 コンドーム製〈怪気球〉の謎を追え! TI(Takeshi Ito)
133 19960728 New breed of entrepreneurs show how to make bucks Bart 7/22 20代ベンチャー成功の法則 MS(Mark Schreiber)
134 19960728 Hi, how are you doing? OK, but I'm really busy Spa! 7/24 職業別[忙しさ]グランプリ TI(Takeshi Ito)
135 19960728 Cellular phone proving deadly in driver's hands Shukan Hoseki 8/8 携帯電話で交通事故が激増の医学的論拠 MS(Mark Schreiber)
136 19960804 Ghostly Japan(Turn a society upside down, and its ghosts turn with it, Weekly Playboy finds. Today's ghosts turn up in the damnedest places, with the damnedest things on their haunted minds. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
137 19960804 Company freshman tell superiors: Go easy on us! Shukan Gendai 8/10 新入社員からオジさんたちへ「ぼくたちとはこう付き合ってください」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
138 19960804 Senior high-school boys choose to let it all hang out Shukan Asahi 8/9 君たち、なぜパンチラをするんだ!! TI(Takeshi Ito)
139 19960804 Are young women really abandoning their panties? Weekly Playboy 8/13 暑!ノーパン・ギャル急増中!? TI(Takeshi Ito)
140 19960804 Theme park business riding wave of success Toyo Keizai 8/3 「遊び心」が客を集める MS(Mark Schreiber)
141 19960818 Pachinko madness(Shukan Asahi introduces housewives tumbling into the world of pachinko addiction. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
142 19960818 MPD's new 'Smiley Club' nothing to laugh about Shukan Hoseki 8/22-29 発見!警視庁が極秘に作った謎の調査集団「ニコニコクラブ」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
143 19960818 Who says ya can't get any bargains in this country? Shukan Asahi 8/16-23 全国商品別激安地帯をゆく TI(Takeshi Ito)
144 19960818 Mainlanders warming to laid-back life on Okinawa Da Vinci September 沖縄の幸福生活 TI(Takeshi Ito)
145 19960818 Japanese tourists still flocking overseas in droves Shukan Shincho 8/8 今夏三百三十三万人の海外旅行者の「職業別」内わけ MS(Mark Schreiber)
146 19960825 For love of country(An Aera poll reveals that the Olympics has led to a resurgence in nationalism, well sorta…Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
147 19960825 Koshien still inspires blood, sweat, tears, but who cares? Bungei Shunju September スターが消えた甲子園 MS(Mark Schreiber)
148 19960825 O-157 bacteria outbreak just the tip of the iceberg Shukan Hoseki 8/22-29 地球温暖化で病原体が大増殖している! TI(Takeshi Ito)
149 19960825 I'm sorry, it was all a misunderstanding! Da Capo! 8/21 誤解されやすい人 TI(Takeshi Ito)
150 19960825 Finding it too hot to sleep? Insomnia may kill you! Shukan Yomiuri 9/1 「暑くて、眠れない」は命取りになる MS(Mark Schreiber)
151 19960901 Entrepreneurial pimps(Tokudane reveals how moneylenders easily exploit prostitutes in debt. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
152 19960901 Dirty old gropers on trains not as old as you think Shukan Hoseki 9/5 痴漢に走る通勤サラリーマン激増の裏事情 MS(Mark Schreiber)
153 19960901 Would you line up just to buy a pair of Nike shoes? Shukan Asahi 8/30 NIKEのスニーカーに狂奔する若者たち TI(Takeshi Ito)
154 19960901 More people choosing to die cheaply, quietly Aera 9/2 有名人が「ひっそり死」を選ぶ理由 TI(Takeshi Ito)
155 19960901 Ehime police reward offer draws sharp criticism Shukan Yomiuri 9/8 愛媛県警有力情報に100万円は日本をチクリにすう MS(Mark Schreiber)
156 19960908 Sitting ducks(For Japan's wealthy and naive, Sunday Mainichi offers 10 tips to minimize the risks of traveling overseas. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
157 19960908 Cactus women' surviving on convenience store diet Aera 9/9 サボテン女の生態 コンビニ依存の主婦が増えている MS(Mark Schreiber)
158 19960908 Unusual businesses ensure pets don't get a dog's life Shukan Hoseki 9/12 ペットという家族の現代 TI(Takeshi Ito)
159 19960908 New 'dirty look' soiling young men's clean image Spa! 9/11 若者たちの清潔感 TI(Takeshi Ito)
160 19960908 Thais in suitcases, bungee suicides and other strange happenings over summer Shukann Bunsyun 9/5 真夏の怪事件 MS(Mark Schreiber)
161 19960915 Hooker haven(A whole island full of whores? Really? Sapio sent avant-garde writer/TV producer Terry Ito to Mie to investigate, and the media maven confirmed it to be the 'Galapagos Island' of prostitution. But, as Mark Schreiber reports, the world's oldes - - - MS(Mark Schreiber)
162 19960915 Yakiniku industry burned by E.coli bacteria hubbub Spa! 9/18 ガンバレ焼肉屋 NW(Nathan Wetby)
163 19960915 SDF expert believes O-157 outbreak an act of terrorism Shukan Hoseki 9/19 自衛隊の元幹部専門家が指摘!「O-157は細菌」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
164 19960915 Marry a beautiful woman and face an early death Shukan Asahi 9/20 「美人妻を持つと12年早く死ぬ」ホント? TI(Takeshi Ito)
165 19960915 Strange orgasms:40-year veteran thief looks back Focus 9/11 窃盗で6億稼いだ「大泥棒」 MH(Michael Hoffman)
166 19960922 Here, there or everywhere(Ever since Plato mentioned it, says Borderland, thinkers have been scratching their heads over the lost continent of Atlantis. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
167 19960922 Fraudulent pet stores biting perspective owners Shukan Playboy 10/1 犬・猫・ 使い捨て国家ニッポンの悲惨 MS(Mark Schreiber)
168 19960922 Manga madness: Who needs kanji reading anyhow? Shukan Hoseki 9/26 突然ふりがなだらけに...朝日新聞 「4コママンガ」に異論反論 TI(Takeshi Ito)
169 19960922 Behind the mask: What you see ain't what you get Spa! 9/25 「仮面族」が考える都合のいい野望 TI(Takeshi Ito)
170 19960922 Women glancing over their shoulders in feat of stalkers Sunday Mainichi 9/29 知的美人をつけ狙うストーカーの恐怖 MS(Mark Schreiber)
171 19960929 Do you know where your daughter is?(Sapio's Yumi Yamashita hits the streets of Shibuya to talk with some street-wise high school girls. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
172 19960929 Mac attack: Burger giant gobbling up competition Aera 9/30 マクドナルド安さ独壇場 ハンバーガー最終体力戦争 MS(Mark Schreiber)
173 19960929 Frightening new diseases could drive you to suicide Flash 10/8 新・新人類を蝕む退化病の恐怖 TI(Takeshi Ito)
174 19960929 Cool monks turn to koalas, Harleys to spread the word Shukan Hoseki 10/3 ユニーク寺の個性派住職 TI(Takeshi Ito)
175 19960929 Hair today, gone tomorrow: Eggheads try not to crack Shukan Asahi 10/4 「愛はハゲに勝つ」ってホント? MS(Mark Schreiber)
176 19961006 Kiddy kidnapping(Weekly Playboy warns of a growing international demand for Japanese children. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
177 19961006 High-voltage power cables zapping drivers' brains Friday 10/11 「高圧送電線下で交通事故が多発する」怪現象 TI(Takeshi Ito)
178 19961006 Major airlines ground 'hair nude' mags for good Shukan Jitsuwa 10/10 ヌード誌を締め出し「社会派」に転向、航空3社 MS(Mark Schreiber)
179 19961006 TV world's 'ideal brides' an endangered species Spa! 10/2 絶滅寸前「お嫁さんにしたい芸能人」ベスト10 TI(Takeshi Ito)
180 19961006 Osaka thieves giving Nike Shoes a run for their money Shukan Yomiuri 10/13 「エアマックス」超人気のナゼ? MS(Mark Schreiber)
181 19961020 More frightening than O-157(Aera traces shrapnel from the economic bubble explosion and how it has scarred society. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
182 19961020 Do exchange groups swap more than just name cards? Spa! 10/16 「異業種交流会のいま」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
183 19961020 Computer date desperados can't get no satisfaction Shukan Hoseki 10/31 倒産「アルトマン」元コンサルタントが明かす「いまどきの結婚」 MS(Mark Schreiber)
184 19961020 Computer illiterates flop in bid to tame wild mouse Shukan Asahi 10/18 買ったけど使えない「パソコン難民」の悲鳴と救済ビジネス TI(Takeshi Ito)
185 19961020 It's a Sony: Host new novel has tongues wagging Shukan Jitsuwa 10/31 暴露小説にされたソニーの歴代社説 MS(Mark Schreiber)
186 19961027 Collapsed cosmos(From Shinjuku' homeless to sex change operations, Da Capo recaps a few of the hot topics of the last few years. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
187 19961027 Phones sold from vending machines? What next? Shukan Bunshun 10/31 自販機も登場・PHS投げ売りの仕組み MS(Mark Schreiber)
188 19961027 What's it take to fill up condoms, bottles and cups? Spa! 10/23 日用品の「サイズの根拠」大調査 TI(Takeshi Ito)
189 19961027 In life and death, new firms help singles rest in peace Aera 10/21 「死後」を決めればシングルも安心 TI(Takeshi Ito)
190 19961027 Nervous nation takes cover behind bullet-proof vests Shukan Hoseki 11/7-14 不安ビジネスの大繁盛が物語る世紀末日本の凶悪度 MS(Mark Schreiber)
191 19961103 Pushed to the limits(Aera warms that the postwar education system is collapsing and its teachers cracking. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
192 19961103 Youth's harakiri death rips into the hearts of foreigners Shukan Taisyu 11/11 外国人たちが目をむいた16歳少年のハラキリ自殺!! MS(Mark Schreiber)
193 19961103 Students bullying schools with threats of suicide Weekly Playboy 11/12 日本全国に広がる「自殺予告」症候群の謎 TI(Takeshi Ito)
194 19961103 Horny retirees dumps wives in pursuit of lost youth Aera 11/4 恋に狂う定年オジサンたち TI(Takeshi Ito)
195 19961103 Foreigners help teens see worms in their rice bowls Shukan Post 11/8 イラン人が支配する「闇のドラッグ帝国」にスクープ潜入 MS(Mark Schreiber)
196 19961117 Historical hatred(Is it all in the genes? Is streets sniffing out victims? Maybe says Da Vinci. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
197 19961117 What's a woman gotta do to win over a married man? Sunday Mainichi 11/17 あなたが見逃しているOL「不倫OK」のサイン MS(Mark Schreiber)
198 19961117 Lip service: Smoothies spin a line for every occasion Spa! 11/13 平成版「殺し文句」の研究 TI(Takeshi Ito)
199 19961117 TV on the blink again? Why not give it a wash Shukan Yomiuri 11/17 テレビは水洗いしろ TI(Takeshi Ito)
200 19961117 If they don't kill themselves, try working 'em to death Diamond 11/16 過労死と自殺、長時間労働に殺されるビジネスマンたち MS(Mark Schreiber)
201 19961124 Convenience virus(Bart wakes up to find convenience stores taking over the country. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
202 19961124 Weaker yen a pain in the pocket for horny old men Shukan Bunshun 11/21 ブランド物値上げで「援助交際費」も便乗値上げ中! MS(Mark Schreiber)
203 19961124 Counselors can't say no to raunchy phone sex addicts Shukan Bunshun 11/21 テレホンセックスに悪用される「いのちの電話」の真面目な悩み TI(Takeshi Ito)
204 19961124 Western women left dry in Tokyo's love desert Weekly Playboy 12/3 「洋ギャル」 と仲良くなる法 TI(Takeshi Ito)
205 19961124 Businesses hung up over new caller-ID telephones Shukan Asahi 11/29 「電話の革命」番号表示サービスで喜ぶ人困る人 MS(Mark Schreiber)
206 19961201 Here comes tomorrow(Da Capo guides readers toward the millenium with tales of hormone juices and sex. Michael Hoffman reports that shock therapy may be required.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
207 19961201 Just in time for Xmas-this year's hit products Nikkei Trendy December 96年ヒット商品ベスト30 MS(Mark Schreiber)
208 19961201 Garbage bags a treasure chest for privacy peepers Spa! 11/27 あなたの知らないごみのお話 TI(Takeshi Ito)
209 19961201 Hitchhiking scam a hard act to follow for comedy duo Asahi Geino 12/5 猿岩石「やらせ貧乏旅行」 と 「意外過去」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
210 19961201 Take those New Year's cards and shove'em! Shukan Bunshun 11/28 「もう年賀状なんかやめちまえ」各界著名人がブチまける MS(Mark Schreiber)
211 19961208 Flushed down the toilet(Shukan Diamond searches for the trillions of yen squandered on botched mega-projects. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
212 19961208 Beep beep: Why don't we do it on the phone? Spa! 12/4 デジタル時代のナンパ革命始まる! TI(Takeshi Ito)
213 19961208 More young women blowing smoke in face of society Aera 12/9 外へ出ればスパァー 女性の街角喫煙派・激増の理由 MS(Mark Schreiber)
214 19961208 How to avoid the boot after the year-end booze up Shukan Jitsuwa 12/12 忘年会で「会社を辞めさせられた」 TI(Takeshi Ito)
215 19961208 Fired up lawyer tries to put the brakes on speed traps Shukan Asahi 12/6 「スピード違反無罪論」裁判の共感度 MS(Mark Schreiber)
216 19961222 She's not my mother!(Aera reveals that adopting the in-law is no bed of roses for the wife of the oldest son. Michael Hoffman reports.) - - - MH(Michael Hoffman)
217 19961222 People in Kansai really will do anything for a buck Spa! 12/11 「関西流ビジネス」が日本を救う TI(Takeshi Ito)
218 19961222 Crude politician leaves a trail of urine in his wake Shukan Yomiuri 12/29 新幹線で最低マナーの大物政治家 MS(Mark Schreiber)
219 19961222 Saving the ozone layer can make you sterile! Shukan Hoseki 12/19 オゾン層を守ったら今度は精子が危ない! TI(Takeshi Ito)
220 19961222 Highwayman taking rest facility users for a ride Bart 1/1-13 高速道P・Aが危ない! MS(Mark Schreiber)
221 19961229 A wet Year of the Rat(With 1996 practically, Michael Hoffman takes us through the pages of Spa and into the lives of some ordinary folks who seem more than happy to bid the Rat good riddance.) - - - -
222 19961229 For new-wave travelers, reality's the thing Spa! 12/18 SPA世代[海外放浪ヤロー]の人生設計 TI(Takeshi Ito)
223 19961229 Nowhere to run: Baby-boom fathers a bust Aera 12-30/1-6 父と子 MS(Mark Schreiber)
224 19961229 Kansai cat mafia terrorizing pet owners, animal lovers Shukan Asahi 12/20 関西で猛威をふるう恐怖のネコ狩りマフィア TI(Takeshi Ito)
225 19961229 Stablemaster's wife takes young rikishi for a ride Shukan Post  1/1-3 『ボクはかみさんのSEX処理係だった』 MS(Mark Schreiber)



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